Castle Crashers

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Part two for you guys. Two parts of a story chapter will make up a chapter for the story. Hope you enjoy this because I'll be flipping some stuff. :)

If you normally pitted an 18 year old girl against a well trained male soldier, the winner is pretty simple. Unless you learn that this particular young lady had fought, spar and won against actual creatures that could topple a fortress in mere power alone. Now it would've been stupid to bet your money on the first obvious choice.

A thought that easily occurred to Knack as he watched a 250 pound man get sent flying into a metal container by the petite greenette named Izanagi Kouta. The guard had tried to attack her first but didn't see the crotch shot coming until it was too late. And in seconds, the guy was hoisted up, tossed and knocked out in a span of 30 seconds.

'Wow.' Was the only thing Knack could think to describe the display while Izanagi picked up the guard's weapon. An energy saber capable of manifesting a blade made from relic energy through the portable hilt. "Now this is pretty cool. It's good to have a proper weapon to use." She spoke before looking at Trickster.

The Gengar was exhausted from the adventure underground combined with using a Z-Move. "Return Trickster! You did a good job pal, so rest for now." Izanagi stated before recalling the Ghost/Poison Type back into his Premiere Ball. The greenette went into her bag to pull out another type of Pokeball.

This one was pink with a heart on it. "Blizzaria, come on out!" And with those words, Izanagi tossed the ball into the air. The sphere opened spitting out heart shaped light that formed a new Pokemon. This one looked like what you get fusing a yeti with a tree.

The creature stood around 7'5 in height and was covered in thick lush white fur that looked squarish at certain similar to felt, hands, wrists, tail and feet were a dark forest green, green seed shaped bulbs on their back, bright fully pink eyes with small pupils and fur on their outlined in a way as often forming horns and broomish stache over their mouth. On the side of their head was a snowflake shapes pin with a strange jewel on it.

"Abomasnow!" The Pokemon cried out voice rough, slightly deep but sounded feminine. "Knack, this is my Abomasnow Blizzaria. She's one of my team's heavy hitters but also the second Pokemon I caught on my first journey. Blizzaria, this is Knack. We'll be rescuing his friends trapped in that castle." Izanagi introduced as the Abomasnow walked up to the 2 ft golem.

The female Abomasnow held her hand out and to Knack's astonishment, a white rose grew from the Pokemon's palm. "Aboma!" Blizzaria chirped with a smile offering the flower to Knack. "Looks like she likes you, Knack. Blizzaria gives Snow Roses to those she likes as a good luck charm of sorts." The little relic fellow couldn't help feeling touched after hearing Vinny's explanation.

'Thanks.' Knack thought plucking the flower carefully before storing it inside his chest orb. "Knack, you said Viktor used robots right? Think you and Blizzaria can take those out while Vinny and I deal with the human guards? I want to give those assholes a piece of my mind for putting your friends in a cage." He merely nodded to her request.

Viktor's robots were more dangerous than his guards considering how tricky they were. Electricity barriers that they used to ram intruders, blasters capable of shooting plasma balls and even lasers, way too dangerous for Izanagi to fight. Knack was going to protect her while on their mission.

The current mechanical opponents were those electrifying orbs easily noticeable by their silver surface, red vents and outer rods on each side that form the barrier. Knack personally called these annoying bots Shockers. Shockers that lifted into the air before slamming them to create a shockwave were Wavemines. They were distinguishable from the multiple rods on their heads and the jets under their bodies to lift them up.

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