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If someone told Maeve Tally Strathford that she'll be able to roam free throughout the summer and not spend her days inside the streets of Spinners End she would laugh in their face.Like the previous ones she did not have high expectations. Fortunatelly (or unfortunatelly she hasn't decided yet) this one turned out to be different. Besides the one week vacation with her dad, those brick house masses meant her 'Summer feeling' while others had the fortune of beaches and sunshine. Not to complain tho because she didn't have to be afraid of using underage magic thanks to being a daughter of a Hogwarts (most hated) professor. Some good can come out of it.
Despite the assumptions Severus Snape wasn't a bad father. It's true that their relationship could be defined as 'bonding over sarcasm' and they did not share bodily contact as much, but he did everything in his power to make her physically and emotionably strong and enduring. Their bond held a lot of secrets, starting with her using her mother's surname fot safety reasons at school as well. For compensation she was let on a lot of inside happenings at Hogwarts from an early childhood making her more mature than kids at her age.
Contrary to her previous summer vacations the difference was her father being away most of the time, always held up by Super Secret Order Business. She wasn't afraid for him, she knew his the extent of his abilities. What irked her more was the fact of being kept in the dark. Feeling a little mad over this occurence, everytime he was away she had her own little adventure. She knew her dad's boundaries yet she pushed them over the lines. Ranging from finding a goblin horde in forgotten and unused WWII tunnels, sneaking to forbidden wizard clubs to just spending a day in the Library of all Wizardry in Diagon Alley not far from Knockturn Alley and studying intresting spells. She couldn't complain, her father had one of the rarest collection of books in their living room. The fondness she felt for them was hard to pass but she knew them by heart and wanted to find something new.
As the blazing hot days started to pass by and the 1. of September was advancing Severus Snape's growing grumpiness started to show as well. Maeve had a natural talent to get on his nerve which only resulted in carefully crafted insults flying back and forth. On the first day of Autumn Snape could only muster a "Please don't make any first year cry on the train or then I have to take points from you" in a strained voice as he dropped her off at the station to let her start her sixth year.

Chaos reigned over the platform as usual at this particular time of the year. First years crapping their pants, upper years shouting at each other from the start of the train to the other side of the platform. Adding to this the hysterical mom section whom are forgetting the fact that if their bird-brained kid leaves their stuff at home they can easily send it with the next owl.
Standing on her tippy-toes she started looking for her friends. Andrei stood out of the crowd being a head taller than most. When he spotted her he just nodded then gestured to the traing meaning they will meet at their usual spot after he said his goodbyes. Finding their compartment she registered it with a small smile that Naya has already seized half of the space, her legs lazily placed on the walls, sugarquill hanging out of the corner of her mouth and coloring the most of it in green.
"If you keep that up we have to measure you up for a new robe by Christmas" she injected it with a playful tone.
Naya's only response was an inaudible shriek which was supposed to be; "Maevieee!"Next thing she knew there was a figure you could hardly call a girl flying towards her. The force knocked her down letting the two girls fall out of their compartment blocking the way for the passer-bys.
"Oi, George have I known before there will be girls falling before me, I wouldn't have tried to get with Angelina that hard. One side of my face still hurts in bad weather from the slap she gave me" mused a deep voice accompained by a very ginger head.
Naya just rolled her eyes with a little shake of her head.
"I am not a fan of Angelina Johnson you know but I'm glad he wiped his smirk off just for a little while"
Before Meave could reply Andrei's sudden presence quickly clouded the previous occurence. He was followed by Caius who seemed to grow an inch since term ended. His family meddled in skulduggary most of the time so the sixth year boy quickly learned how to stay out of the way of authorities. If you had to sneak something in he was your man. As her friend, Maeve was high-priority with her other two friends. They could only guess his hiding places, though Maeve had a couple of guesses. It wasn't a disadvantage being raised there at some point in her life.
"Do you have an idea who'll be filling up the DADA position?" pondered Andrei, cutting in half the girls conversation.
"I heard it's some Ministry dude" came the reply from Caius. A shadow crossed Andrei's face. For someone who's father was in Azkaban you could say he wasn't a big fan of the Ministry.
"Umbridge" clarified Maeve. She spent half of her summer listening to her dad ranting about the soon-to-become professor's inability to teach.
"I always forget who your father is..." gave the girl Andrei a half-hearted smile. "you could mention him that this year he better be doing something to not let Gryffindor win the House Cup this year."
"If I did that he would laugh in my face saying how we let a skinny fifth year boy beat us since he has been here. Tho, I know he hates that Dumbledore has a soft spot for Scarface."
Dumbledore. Throughout the summer he visited her dad several times always speaking about Super Secret Order Stuff. Clearly she was in the dark about it. Her only 'compensation' was having a pleasent conversation with the old wizard by a nice cup ot tea. True, she have always had a weird feeling around him. She felt those twinkling eyes never stopping the analization of everything she was doing which unnerved her.

Hit by a bludger /F. W./Where stories live. Discover now