chapter four : don't trust granny smith's cookies

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" How are we getting out!!! " Aki complained.

" There has to be someplace to get out... " I answered back.

" I know where! " Adam replied.

Adam showed up to a mini door behind the one tree that was there. It was a black door, so small we had to crawl to get through it. We walked into what looked like a normal looking house from the 1980s. Except for that fact that it looked like nobody touched in several years.

" Did we just enter a grandma's house from the 1900's? " Sameul asked.

" Shut up. " Aqua said, covering his mouth. It was very silent there. Almost, too silent....

" Oh hello darlings...Would you kids like some cookies? Fresh out of the oven. " Said an old female voice, coming out from the corner. " I always enjoy the company from the door!"

" Oh, No thank you. I think we're good. " Rosey explained.

" Oh my! Is that my Adam! I haven't seen you in forever!!! " The Grandma explained, and she put down the cookies and squeezed Adams' cheeks. Since the grandma wasn't so scary..I didn't play that melody in my mind..thinking I'd be fine.

"U-Uh...Yeah! " Adam replied with his cheeks being squished. Staring at us, with a look in his eye screaming for help.

" E-Excuse me, ma'am, We have to get going I- " I was explaining until she interrupted me.

" Oh, not so fast..have a cookie! " She said, as she put the cookie tray in front of us. The cookies looked odd. They were most likely normal chocolate chip cookies. But they had something odd about them I couldn't explain..

" Come on, take one. " The Grandma explained. Nobody did. " Do you not like my cookies? That makes me sad... "

I didn't like making Grandmas sad, and I never did. So I did what I do best, hide in the shadows... And she did not like that...


"Allyna Reaper?? I thought my name was Ally Rereko!! I mean, Ally could be a nickname for Allyna. (Pronounced like it's spelled, Ally-na) And how does she know my father??" I thought to myself.

" GET OUT RIGHT NOW!! " She screamed grabbing my arm and dragging me along, shoving a cookie in my mouth. All I remember seeing the others chasing after me and screaming at the grandma. I'm guessing it was the cookie that made me lousy...

I woke up, tied up in a basement, sitting in a corner. I could hear screaming from upstairs, I think it was the others.. everything was blurry, I don't even know why..maybe it was that cookie? I also noticed there was another girl in the room with me also tied up.

She had a bright leather jacket with a black blouse underneath. And ripped black jeans with bright red heels. She had dark caramel skin, bright blue eyes, silky black hair. She had her hair bobby pinned behind her right ear, and the other side was down. She had scratches and bruises all over her face and neck. She had a nametag on, one of those ones that say " Hello my name is " Then they write it down, I couldn't see what it said because my vision was all blurry.

" Oh good! You're awake! " she said with excitement in her voice.

" Yeah, um, I'm sorry I can't really see anything... " I explained.

She looked down to the floor. " Oh, Granny Smith must've given you a cookie? Yeah, she did that to me as well. Your vision will clear up soon. I'm Heather Smith! What's your name? "

" Ally Rereko. but up in the house, she called me Allyna Reaper... " I explained.

" NO WAY. You're not... Are you? " She said with a scared look on her face.

" Huh? "

" Oh, nothing...nothing "

Next thing I knew I saw Adam running down the stairs and cutting my ropes.

" Thanks! " I told him.

" Welcome..come on Ally we need to go save the others," he explained.

" C-Can we also bring her? " I asked, pointing at Heather.

He hesitated, " Okay..fine. " He said, cutting her rope too.

" Thanks! " She answered back.

" Adam help me please... " I said.

" What? "

I explained about the cookie thing.

" Oh.. " He grabbed my arm and helped me find my way toward the door.

When we got up, Granny turned into a giant snake. Like the size of a gorilla. Fighting my friends..but something happened. I swear the last time I saw Sameul, he was human! Sameul turned back into the wolf from before, fighting Granny.

Heather and Adam made eye contact, they nodded and ran to fight, but before they did, Adam told me to use the shadow to hide, I nodded and went inside a shadow. I could barely see anything, all that I could see were giant blue, red, pink, purple, black, gray and more colour smudges. I'm pretty sure the smudges I was voting for were winning.

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