chapter thirteen : nightmare entered the chat

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" AH! " A girl jumped out, she attacked Adam and started trying to choke him.

She was about 5'2". Her skin was a very pale white. Her hair was a blueish mint, she had a red strike in it too. She was wearing an eyepatch on her left eye, a black hoodie, blue jeans and black sneakers. This girl was so short.. I feel like I knew her.

" I WON'T LET YOU STOP ME IN THE WAY OF FINDING MY FRIE- " This girl was yelling till she looked at Adam. " Wait, Adam? " She looked around, " Guys? " She got down from attacking Adam and looked around.

" N-Nightmare? " I asked, remembering her name.

" That's the name " She smirked.

" Did you go through the door? How are you here? " I asked.

" Woah, you remember the door? "

" No, Just stor- Wait huh? " I continued.

" You forgot everything, right? " She answered.

" Yeah, but how do you know that? "

" Because of ϰꍏ☿↳ꍏ, Obviously ''. "

" Who? "

" ϰꍏ☿↳ꍏ " Night said, She looked at me like I turned into an alien.

" I swear you are speaking another language. " I answered.

" Ally it's obvious she's saying ϰꍏ☿↳ꍏ " Talola answered.

" I swear I'm hearing gibberish. "

" Me too actually. " Aqua added.

" Same. " Rosey also added. Aki just looked like she witnessed the most confusing thing ever to exist.

" Well, I think the answer is only visible to people who didn't lose their memory " I replied

" Well. At least I'm here now. And I still don't get how you lost your memory. I remember everything. " Night said.

" We were thinking the doors powers worked fully on the Rosey, Aki, Ally and I because we most likely went through the door first. And later in time people went in, and the power didn't work as much " Aqua explained.

" We should keep moving, " I faced the group " lets go. "

So we continued walking.

" So, uh. You remember stuff right Night? " Talola caught up to us to talk to Nightmare.

" Yep.. " Nightmare answered.

" Good!! Gurl what was happening out of this, tell me the gossip! " Talola continued.

" First, don't call me gurl. Second, Sydney isn't going to school for a while because Sydney was doing her norm and making fun of Raven for being gay and all, so Raven did her normal roasting you know? And then Sydney tried cussing Raven out. But Raven just called her a thot because Sydney's dating three different guys at the moment. So Sydney tried to pull Raven's hair, but Raven grabbed Sydney's hair revealing that Sydney had a long wig on. When everyone thought she had hot pink long hair..turns out she had brown hair a little bit longer than her shoulders! '' Night explained.

" Damn!! Aquamarines girlfriend Raven is savage!! " Talola gasped in amazement.

" Sure? " Night continued. " Also, Ally's dad is banned from the school for a month. "

Everyone gasped because we guessed the Grim Reaper was my father.

" Wait, tell me the story please. " I said in disbelief.

" Okay, so I don't know if you remember. But your father is really nice. When people say he's like a second devil, all he's doing is sending your soul to heaven or hell when you die! Nothing bad! It's not like he's killing you or anything!? " Night complained.

" father is actually Grim Reaper? " I asked in fright.

" Yeah..why? "

" I don't remember anything outside of this insane place. "

" Right, but yeah. Anyway, he was so mad/sad that you were still missing. He stormed into the school, and everyone knows it's him because he looks like he has a skin face, yet you can see his skull!! " Night was explaining. She was right then, when I had a vision of my father..that's what he looked like. I could see his mouth and everything..but I could also see his skull through his transparent skin.

" Oh? "

" Yeah, then he stormed into the office, slammed his hands on the principal's desk, aka Mr. Ito's desk aka Rosey's father's desk. And demanded they go in that door and find you and your friends because 'he knows the pain in the insane room'. Those were his words. It was weird. Then when Rosey's dad said 'Yes I know the pain, but our daughters can find the way out. I miss my daughter I agree. But the more people who enter the less come out alive!' . I was shocked. And that caused your dad to have a HUGE fit over that. A lot of fighting with Rosey's and your father happened. Then Mr. Ito was like 'you already went as a vision in there once to try and get your daughter out! And it didn't work!!' And short story short, Mr. Ito took a break so Rosey's mother aka Mrs. Ito is taking over for now and Mr. Reaper is banned from the school for a month. Everyone is still having an extra shadow follow them because of it when they are on school grounds "

" Damn. that's a lot. I mean, at least we know for sure my father is Grim Reaper and we weren't just guessing. "

" Um, do you guys hear that?? " Aqua saying, as she caught up to us.

" What? " I asked, I could hear..screaming? Of what sounded human. Not a monster..I ran toward it.. Not looking back. I rushed through the bushes, and I saw..a door? I pulled out my darkness to start walking closer.. I was about to go in, but then I couldn't see anything...not even one drop of light...

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