Demon in Desguise

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  • Dedicated to peter<3

Demon in Disguise                                     

Dusk falls across the land of a small Swiss village. Its the night of All Hallows Eve and up in these mountains that can only mean trouble. The towns people speak of a mistress, a fine lady indeed addressed by the name of Josephine. She's a spirit that arises on this special night to subdues any down minded fool that falls into her path with her long, wavy, ripe golden locks, whimsical fluttery ever-green eyes, torturous curves, and charming personality. Her spirit wonders in the Boreal outskirts of the village where she was viciously murdered by a mad man. Ever since she has been hiding her inner demon and on the outside acting as a dream girl for any lucky fellow until she can arise on the 31st become a living being for one night and kill her victim. For the past waiting year her lonely spirit has been following a handsome village boy. He'd not listened to the warnings of the villagers nor did he believe Josephine; such a kind, beautiful girl could ever have a hidden demon. A spirit like herself does not posses the ability to kill a living mortal however tonight Josephine's eyes were drenched in evil. It was Halloween and once again she was going to murder..

Down in the village below in a small house where the sounds and smells of bubbling stew, crisp berry strudel, whistling kettles, and crackling fire lives the Hendersen family. Young Peter was their eldest boy. He was well built with breath taking features and a handsome smile. Peter knew of a beautiful girl who claimed she lived in a log cabin by herself in the dark woodland mountain sides. He'd visit her and speak to her but never quite saw her home or knew much about her personal life. Almost as if she didn't have one. This would have been enough to scare off any man in his right mind who feared of the Demon of Josephine, but foolish little Peter didn't listen and neither did he speak a word of it.

In the Swiss mountains, the white blanket was laid down early and with it came blizzards and whistling winds. Peter settled into his cot covered by woolen blankets by the small heating stove. In the fire blazing from inside the stove he could see swirls of flames and images danced in his head. He saw a figure of a young girl with hair to her waist, a vivid expression and daring eyes. That was Josephine and beside her figure in the flames he saw himself. But something in the picture wasn't right. She was holding something in her hand. At first glance it looked like a flower perhaps a small piece of bark. Peter leaned in closer to the stove and peered into the image in the flames. The she was holding a dagger!

Meanwhile up in the forest, Josephine was thrilled. The devious grin on her face could kill. Her pupils were fully dilated her skin went pail, and her hair was going strait and black and was slowly falling out of her head as each gust of wind blew. In a mad dash towards Peter's cabin with a emerald carved dagger in hand she made her way threw the forest crashing across twigs, bushes, and rustled leaves settled beneath the thin layer on snow that fell through the heavy thicket. She sounded like a monster panting as she crashed through the underbrush, whispering to herself; muuurrder..muuuurrder...muuuurrder and her heavy steps going down hill could be heard from a mile away. Another thing about her secret was that before midnight struck her demon came out and the pretty disguise was torn off. Before she killed you, she was in her most gruesome state, you could see her for how she died. All the scars, all the blood, and all the inner demon was unraveled from under that lovely disguise on the night of all hallows eve.

Back in his bedroom Peter became very intrigued in the image being portrayed, little did he know this was part of her plan he was being brainwashed! Possessed! Hypnotized! Simultaneously as he watched the figure of Josephine lean in with the dagger closer to his chest a gust of wind blew open his bedroom door. There in her gruesome appearance stood the true demon of Josephine. Blood dripped from her forehead, chin, knees, arms, chest, and hands. There were gashed all across her torso, neck and face, her eyes were fully dilated like black marbles. Her arms and legs were covered in cuts and badly beaten marks that matched the hand marks on her if she had been strangled. DIE PETER DDDDIIIIIEEEE! She shrieked with a spine chilling ear piercing scream. Poor Peter gazed back into the fire and saw it had burnt out probably from the sudden gust that swung open his bedroom door. As the room began to fill with smock and thick smog it became harder and harder to see. All he heard were the dragging steps of her feet slide across the wood boarded floor closer and closer to the corner where he crouched nestled into a ball. Now he knew he had been fooled and their was no way this girl was going to kill him. He sprang up and started swinging punches into the space infront of him, yet he didn't hit anything... Then he grabbed the metal rod used for adjusting the logs in the stove and started to strike and sway it around hoping to kill Josephine or keep her away from getting to close but still couldn't find her. Then through the thick smog he saw the flash of moon light shine off the blade of the emerald craved dagger she was holding.” Where are you Peter? Don't be afraid...i won't hurt you” said Josephine. “Get away from me you Hag! Go seek revenge on the right man, not me” shouted Peter. Then with a strong charge she yelled, “Listen to me you fool! Don't you hide I will find you and when I do... YOUR DEAD!”

Then out from the darkness into the stream of moon light that poured into his room, Josephine's body eased out from the shadows, her deformed, frail figure was horrifying. With her last bit of 'kill drive' she swooped over to Peter and what appeared to be somewhat slow motion she raised the emerald dagger in her bloody hand and jabbed it down towards his pounding chest. Then with an inch left between his chest and the sharp tip of the dagger he blacked out...

~Moments later Peter woke up in his bed gasping for air and dripping in cold sweat. He lay in his bedroom on the 19th floor of the high-rise condo he lived in with his family. As he came to his senses he gradually started to hear the traffic outside his window and the walls full of posters and the furniture in his room and the laptop on his desk. Peter looked out his window, the sun was rising and a gust of a summer breeze hit his face as he took in another breath of air. Slowly the view of the Miami beach soon came into view like it always does at dawn. It was all a dream...

~Hours later he was being rushed out the door by his frantic mother and made his way to the bus stop. By the time he got to school he totally forgot about the life altering dream he had the night before. Today as they were going on with the usual class work the chatter melted down to a quiet hum as a new girl walked into the classroom. She had pretty eyes, nice figure, and suttle curls in her blonde hair.

Please take a seat anywhere you like dear” Mrs. Tober said kindly. The young girl walked down the aisle of desks and seated herself down right next to Peter. “Whats your name?” Peter asked politely as Mrs. Tober was giving another lecture. The girl turned her head and stared at him with her big, sparkly, ever-green eyes. And with a quiet whisper she leaned in and said “Hi Peter, My name is Josephine”

The End~

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