The Proposal - (Bonus Chapter)

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"So what are you guys doing for the one year anniversary?" Blake asks.

"I dunno. Dinner I guess".

"Oh cool. You guys should have had a party". Stacia says.

"Why? It's just an anniversary".

"Yeah but it's a miracle you guys made it to a year. It should be a celebration". Blake laughs.

"Haha very funny".

"Well all I have to say is that I'm glad she's officially my sis again because that brother of mine was just dating wrong". Macy's says.

"I thought you liked his ex". Aqua says.

"Liked yes but you love always".

"Aww thanks Macy. Love you too". Aqua says reaching over to hug her.

Right now they were at they're weekly meet up, this week at Jake's mom's restaurant. It's been a year since Blair and Aqua started dating and as Blake said it was a miracle they got this far. They were constantly bickered but nothing could come between their love for one another. No more breaks and taking time off is what they promised. Not like high school when he would agree to it and then hooked with random girls and she would be depressed the whole time. They would talk about whatever the issue is and ask advice when necessary. Aqua by now had turn her life over to of and whenever she couldn't stand Blair anymore she would just pray about it. They had agreed that no sex until they got married. It was hard sometimes because that body Aqua would think. But they wanted to everything right this time round. Her, Lindsay and Tyrese had become friends again and it wasn't easy but she put all her trust in God and He always said forgive so that's what she did.

"So it's been a year, are you guys finally gonna do it and get it over with?" Amanda asks.

"What in waiting until marriage don't you understand?"

"Yeah but what happens when you both get super you know?" Stacia asks.

"I don't want to hear about Aqua and my brother's sex life". Macy states.

"They don't have one Macy that's the point". Amanda says.

"You're a bad influence you know that right?"

"No I'm just being inquisitive is all".


"The new decor here is so beautiful". Blake says trying to divert the conversation, hoping to stop an argument before it even starts.

"Yep super cute. Blue is the best color EVER. Plus paired with white and sparkles. Gives me goosebumps". Aqua says smiling.

"Yeah I know right. It's so fetch". Stacia says.

"Mean girls? Really?" Amanda asks.

"As if Amanda. Leave her alone". Aqua says.

"Yeah we just love quoting our fave movies is all". Stacia says smiling, high fiving Aqua.

"Exactly. Whoever this party is for has good taste". Aqua says, high fiving back. Amanda rolling her eyes.

"Yeah. Anyway we have to go. We're going shopping". Macy says.

"Great. I'm going home. Blair's home and I'm gonna spend the rest of the day with him".

"Cool. Later A. Have a great day and happy anniversary".

"Later guys. Thanks. Bye Blakey. Love y'all". Everybody saying their goodbyes.

"Love ya".

A few minutes later she got home to see the place all decorated and flower petals everywhere.


"Hi A. Welcome home".

"I've been gone for like a little over an hour. You make it sound like a year".

"Happy to see you too". He says kissing her.

"What is all of this?"

"You do realize it's our anniversary right?"

"Uh-huh. But we said we wouldn't do anything. Just hang out".

"Yeah but I changed my mind. I want to celebrate us. I know you're not a romantic. But can you just let me romance you. Even just a little bit". He says, kissing her neck.

"You mean you want to have sex?"

"That would be lovely but nope I just want to make you a fancy dinner, drink some wine, through in a movie afterwards and kiss you all night long".

"How about a movie during the dinner?"

"Good with me".

"So you mentioned kissing me all night long. Before you say it, I know it's not night yet but we can start early".

"Best idea ever. But first I have something very important to ask you".

"Ok what is it?"

With that he stepped back from her, took something from his pocket, bent down on one knee and took her left hand.

'Oh shit'. Aqua thought.

"A. Don't interrupt. Please. I have loved you for so long . I can honestly say I didn't know we would be here together a year later or at all for that matter. We've been through so much in high school and afterwards with our friendship. But no matter you've always been there for me and I'm glad and happy and honored that I could return that this past year. We're meant to be Aqua. I truly believe in that. You've turned my life around and don't think that I haven't involved God in this because I have. I was having second thoughts about doing this and I prayed about it silently in my mind a few minutes ago and got a sign same time with an advertisement on engagement rings. Strange I know. I don't to spend the rest of my life with you, I want us to spend our lives together now and after the Second Coming. You are the best person to happen to me. I love our bickering because that's just us. Every couple has their quirks, that's just ours. I'm in love with you with you Aqua. What I'm trying to ask you is, WOULD YOU MARRY ME???" Blair asks, with love and honesty in his eyes all while Aqua stood there with tears falling from her eyes.

She stood there saying yes in her mind as soon as he went down on his knee and took her hand. She wondered if he didn't hear her response, not realizing it was only in her mind.

"Aqua say something". Blair says, worry in his voice.

"YES!!!" she shouts.

"Really?" He asks.

She shakes her head and he puts on the princess cut, sapphire colored diamond surrounded by white diamonds on her finger. Blue, White and Sparkles.

"Are you gonna stand so I can kiss you or what?"

With that he stands and they kissed passionately for a few minutes.

"Are you sure you're not marrying me so you can get me naked?" Blair asks.

"Well you never know. Guess you'll just have to trust that I love you".

"I don't know if I can trust you. Guess I'm gonna have to wait and see what happens". He says and she slaps him.

"Hey. If you can't trust me, why are you marrying me?"

"Hey I said I love you, I never said I trust you".

"I hate you. I want a divorce"

"Ha. We aren't even married yet dummy".

"Exactly so what does that mean smart ass?"

"You're lucky we aren't having sex because I would take you here right now". He said pushing her against the wall.

"How fun? You gonna punish me too for being so bad?"

"Oh how I would love to but I won't start A because our bodies are going to carry us to places we shouldn't go".


"I love you...and trust you. Always". Blair says.

"I love you...and trust you. Always". Aqua says and kisses him.

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