Nine: Revelation

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It was hard to get away from the two older princes once he was released from the clinic. They stuck around Beomgyu nearly all hours of the day, which wasn't in itself annoying. It was the fact that he couldn't go to the practice room with Yoongi and really talk about what happened.

It seemed the opportunity was slowly approaching when King Choi started "suggesting" that Soobin spend time with Seulgi. And by "suggesting," of course the king was forcing him. So Soobin would be dragged away towards the Verdel blood princess, shooting a look over his shoulder that screamed, "I hate my life." It seemed Yeonjun shared the same feelings, because every time Soobin walked away with his arm linked through Seulgi's, his jaw would tense and he would sharply turn away. Beomgyu would be lying if he said he didn't share the same feelings as the two older princes, but he'd also be lying if he said he wasn't somewhat relieved by his older brother's absence. It would make it easier for him to slip away and talk to Yoongi.

Sorry, Binnie, but someone's gotta take one for the team. Like when Anna turned to ice to save Elsa. At least she was unfrozen by the power of sibling love. Wasn't that the whole point of the movie? Love thaws? Just how hot is sibling love that it can melt solid ice and reverse an entire winter season?

Beomgyu didn't know what "sibling love so hot it could thaw things" felt like, but he for sure knew he felt some sort of familial bond with Yeonjun. The oldest Royal Son would lock himself in his room after Soobin went with Seulgi, claiming he didn't want to see the obviously forced and uncomfortable relationship between the two royals. So Beomgyu would spend time in Yeonjun's room with just the two of them, jumping on his bed, blasting music, singing, summoning a demon, building a fort. Y'know, normal stuff.

I guess "sibling-like love" can be just as hot too. Ew, since when did I get all sappy? Is this a side effect from the spell?

"You look like you just stepped into a pile of dog shit," Yeonjun said, observing Beomgyu's curled lip. Beomgyu didn't even realize he was making an expression to match his thoughts, so he quickly tried to brush it off.

"This music's the equivalent of dog shit," he said, gesturing to the radio on Yeonjun's bedside table. Yeonjun gasped, placing a hand over his heart.

"Kendrick Lamar is not dog shit!" he exclaimed. Beomgyu rolled his eyes.

"Mhm. Sure, Junnie." He patted his shoulder. "Obviously we need to fix your taste in music."

"I feel offended."

"Good." Beomgyu pushed himself off the bed and walked over to the radio, pausing the song and popping out the cassette tape before digging through the box under Yeonjun's bed. "I'll show you what real, non-dog shit music sounds like."

Yeonjun held out a finger. "If you put on what I think you're about to put on—"

"Neol wihaeseoramyeon nan seulpeodo gippeun cheok hal suga isseosseo~"

Beomgyu slowly turned to face Yeonjun with a smile as the older groaned and fell back. "Really?" he asked, laying an arm over his eyes.

"Of course. BTS are kings and you know it."

"BTS are overrated and you know it."

The song was the only sound in the room for a moment, and Yeonjun was legitimately starting to wonder if Beomgyu had just died before he felt a sharp whack on his face. He screamed and immediately turned on his side, attempting to curl up in a ball and hide his face with his hands.

"BTS are not overrated!" Beomgyu was yelling as he hit Yeonjun over and over again with a pillow.


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