Twenty-One: Hesitancy

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Beomgyu woke up to a beam of sunlight shining directly into his eyes. He groaned, annoyed, because he could've sworn he closed the shades—

Wait, since when was his bed so hard?

And what was this weight on his chest?

Was he dying?!

When Beomgyu opened his eyes, he found out he was indeed dying...

Of cuteness, because holy shit, Taehyun was sleeping with his head on Beomgyu's chest and he looked so cute.

Immediately disregarding everything else besides the sleeping boy, Beomgyu smiled and gently ran his fingers through Taehyun's hair. They had kissed. He had kissed Taehyun. The thought alone was enough to make his heart race and cheeks flush, and he had to resist the urge to let out a high-pitched squeal because holy shit, he had kissed Taehyun!

Taehyun suddenly began to shift, screwing his eyes shut as he groaned. Beomgyu giggled, and that's when Taehyun opened his eyes. They locked onto Beomgyu's smiling face immediately, causing a smile of his own to appear. "Hey, Gyu," he said, his voice raspy from sleep. And Beomgyu thought he couldn't fall any further for that boy.

"Hi, Hyunie." Taehyun shyly giggled, having comprehended their current position (although he didn't make any move to get off Beomgyu).

"I fell asleep on you, didn't I?"

"You did." He didn't know what he expected Beomgyu to say to that, but he didn't expect him to confirm it so nonchalantly and with a goddamn smirk nonetheless.

"'M sorry," Taehyun muttered, face red as he attempted to scuttle back. But he didn't make it very far before Beomgyu grabbed his wrist and yanked him back over.

"Why are you running away?" he pouted. Taehyun groaned.

"Beomgyuuuu," he whined. Beomgyu only laughed.

"Aw, is the baby embarrassed?"

"I'm not a baby."

"Yes you are."


"You are practically a fetus."

"No, Kai's the fetus. In both looks and attitude."

"If you think Kai's bad, you should see how Yeonjun can get—oh shit."

"What's wrong?" Taehyun sat up as a look of panic settled on Beomgyu's face.

"We fell asleep out here... After sneaking out... Which means nobody at the castle knows where we are... And if they can't find us—"

"We can kiss our asses goodbye," Taehyun finished, feeling a panic of his own as the reality of the situation settled in. If either of their fathers found out they snuck out and into the forest nonetheless...

Let's just say neither would live long enough to see the live-action version of Mulan.

"Come on! Let's make it like Dash and book it!" Beomgyu cried, jumping up and grabbing Taehyun's hand because apparently holding hands had become something they do now. Taehyun didn't have enough time to question who the hell Dash was or why they were booking it as Beomgyu pulled him up and began running with him in tow.

The village was starting to come alive again, vendors and traders setting up their stalls in the streets. Luckily it was still early, so the streets weren't packed yet. They would soon be however, so they had to hurry.

They darted through the alleys, away from most eyes, until they got to the passage entrance. Beomgyu shoved the board out of the way, gesturing for Taehyun to jump down. Snatching the flashlight, Taehyun did. As Beomgyu covered the hole, Taehyun clicked on the flashlight and began to run.

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