Red Lipstick

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               Satin covers covered my skin, as I awoke to yet another meaningless one night stand. With the typical hangover that follows an evening like this, I stood up and went to my potions room in order to find the perfect remedy. Scanning the alphabetized contents quickly, I finally arrive at the hangover potion. Grasping the bottle firmly in my hand, I uncorked it before guzzling it down.


         Feeling the typical sensation that follows, I swiftly threw the bottle against the wall before making my way to my bedroom again. Seeing that last night’s shag was still here, I entered the closet before I could remember she is not my true love. For there is not one woman alive, that could ever replace the brown haired beauty I truly desire.  With a flick of my wand, I was fully clothed in a fashionable manner. Not even bothering to give the girl in my bed a second glance, I apparated on the spot.


  Hermione’s point of View:

          Looking through the window of an elegant dress shop in Diagon Alley, I awaited my best friend’s arrival. With a quick glance at my watch, I realized perhaps he might be late. However, hearing someone clear their throat behind me brought me back to reality. Turning around, I felt a huge grin spread across my face as I threw my arms around my blonde haired friend’s neck. “Oh Draco! I feared you were going to be late to help me decide between my three dresses for tonight.” I said before kissing him gently on the cheek.

       “Hermione,” he whispered, “I would never dare be late meeting you. You are my best friend in the world. What kind of friend would I be making you wait up for me?” Blushing a little, I replied, “Well I suppose it would make you like any other friend I have. Indeed, that would even make you like my bloody husband. Ronald always leaves me waiting for him to show up somewhere.”

      With a shake of his head, Draco got a serious look on his face before replying to me. “Hermione, a man like that doesn’t deserve you. You deserve a gentleman who will cherish every second he spends with you.” With a smile on my face, I began to experience butterflies in my stomache. There is something about Draco that always makes me feel special. If it was up to me, I wish I chose Draco over Ron all those years ago. It is such a shame that I feel never be anything more than just a friend to him.

            Clearing my throat, I fiddled with a strand of my hair before nodding my head towards the shop. “So shall we go decide on my birthday party dress for tonight?” I said looking at the ground. With a nod of his head, Draco went to the door and opened it with a smile on his face. “We shall, after you my lady.” He replied, motioning for me to enter first.

30 Minutes Later:

    After approximately twenty-eight minutes of trying on dresses with different accessories, I walked once again out of the dressing room. Feeling confident in this splendid white dress, I was ecstatic to see Draco’s reaction. “Draco?” I spoke tapping him on the shoulder. “Hmm”, he replied before turning around with a look of utter shock on his face.  With a sad feeling running through my heart, I looked down at the floor. “Is it that bad?” I whispered. “I actually thought this dress was the one…”

          Sighing, he stood up and wrapped his arms around my waist. “Hermione,” he said, “I looked so stunned because I’ve never seen a woman look as dazzling as you do now. You truly are bloody brilliant love.” Feeling a little smile form upon my face I looked him into his gray stormy eyes. “You really think it is? I do rather love this dress if I do say so myself. With the right accessories it could look Oscar worthy.”

        Laughing he grinned before kissing me on the forehead. “Only you would use so many muggle comparisons”, he muttered into my ear. Sticking my tongue out at him, I loosened myself from his grasp. Once he finally let me go, I did a little twirl in my dress before turning to the shop lady. “I’ll take it,” I said with a practically glowing in happiness. Just as I was about to pull out my money, Draco stopped my hand and as the kind man he is paid for my outfit in full.

      After changing back into my street clothes, I replied my favorite shade of red lipstick before returning to Draco. Taking his hand, I allowed him to lead me out of the shop. With a simple, “I’ll see you tonight,” I kissed Draco’s cheek yet again prior to apparating from the spot.

I am excited to be writing this story. Indeed it was inspired by my role model Taylor Swift and red lipstick. I hope you enjoyed it. All reviews are welcome of course.

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