Chapter 1

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Let me introduce myself my name is Hadlee Pallara of age 16. I'm not going to pretend like other girls my age, who say they don't like something for attention and then end up doing it anyway. I'm not a huge fan of shopping, I don't go to school homecomings or dance's, on my weekends I'm not hanging out with friends, and unlike most people, I'm probably the least judgmental person you will ever meet. Because of my life, I realized that when someone does something there's always a reason, you have to be good enough of a person, to figure out what that reason is. That is how I understand people, not by talking to them, not by stalking their social media accounts, but by figuring out their reasons. People are only mean because they want what you have. But don't be fooled, when people form relationships, all they think about is how you will benefit them.

I lay awake on my hallow bedding, it is nearly dawn. I couldn't fall asleep, but then again I never can. I'm restless, or more or less my mind is. I feel as though my mind is ready to run a marathon, after the marathon. I get up from the hollow bed, the springs creek from underneath me. I walk out the back door to gather my thoughts. As I walk out the grey rusty door, I feel a freezing blanket come over me. It rushes chills down my spine, redness fills my checks, and makes me quite aware of the fact that I wasn't wearing shoes. All I could think about is what my plan is, how far can I get away from here? How quickly, how quietly? Again and again, how many more times can she do this to me? I moved to 10 different houses in 16 years. New schools every year, New houses, new lives. This is why I can't stay any longer, not to mention the constant threat on my back. As I solemnly walk back to my room all I could think was would the threat be gone if I left, or would it only get worse.

Flashback 17 years ago. My mother Samantha Bay, met my father at a night club. He wooed her, she fell in love with him, They had me. Basic right, well after two months of having me it all went to hell. Hitting, screaming, calling out for help, they would never stop. As a child being left alone, being taken away, been put up as a pawn, a threat. See this is why with me, my mother can never be safe, I will always be something people will hold a threat on. I believe that is why my mother never attempted to love me, I get it, why love something or someone will always hold over your head. My father Isiah Pallara is a drug dealer. He is one of the top dealers and one of America's most wanted. This is why I'm a threat, he doesn't want to have anything held over him, He wants me in his possession. He believes I'm his property, he believes in breaking people, to make people. My mother is smart, she knows I will be taken one day, even if we move every god damn day. So it's better not to love someone who will be gone soon anyway.

My father did this with many women. He had children with all of them, he has all the children, except for me. See Isiah plans on teaching all his children the business, whoever proves themselves the most worthy gets the business. But if you lose, you're as good as dead. He will kill you so your not a threat to the reign of the other. And I won't live much longer I'm as good as dead. So why am I kidding myself and my mother, I should have left long ago. Years and years of asking why me, I never came to a conclusion. Accept the fact the world is cruel, it has no feeling, it doesn't care who ends up on the wrong side of things. I wish I didn't care like the world, things would be so much easier, cause so much less anxiety. I'm about to let go of all of it.

I quickly sit up out of bed and think "why wait?" I slip out of my warm pajamas and replace them with a pair of dark jeans and a knit green sweater. I pack up some clothes, a hairbrush, water, food, blankets, and coats. I couldn't believe after all these years, I was finally doing it. I was finally going to get away and I would no longer be a burden on the people in my life. Once I was all packed up, I put on my winter jacket and a pair of warm grey knit boots. My anxiety ran high, I felt as though I was going to burst, was this a dream? Was this really happening? Breathe in, breathe out I tell myself. I plan to head to the train station and see where it takes me. I don't know where I'm going but at least it's away from here. And it will be far, far away from here.

I felt the chill around my body as I feel one foot after another creep through the back door, I close the door, I'm free, finally free. I take one step then two more, I feel more confident in every step I take. I feel the excitement bubbling up like electricity. I make it to the steps and stop I felt so nervous I felt air down the back of my coat. But then when I stop I feel the air getting stronger and stronger. I realize then, that's not nerves nor wind it's someone's breath behind me. I rapidly turn around and there lurking in the shadows a see a familiar figure. I feel hands around my neck and around my mouth. Just before I pass out I manage to get one single word out "Dad."

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2020 ⏰

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