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Warning: small torture, blood, and sexual harassment ahead. If you are very uncomfortable with this, then I suggest you skip parts of this chapter. Thank you.

Tzuyu's screams filled the torture room as her soldiers couldn't do anything by struggle to try and escape from the chains; but it was no use. All they could do was watch her get whipped and stabbed in different areas and hear her scream in pain. Tears filled her eyes and hands clenched onto the chains to where her blood was also appearing there.

"YOU DESERVE TO DIE FOR KILLING VERNON. DIE BITCH, FUCKING DIE." Mingyu said and continued to hit Tzuyu with a whip onto her bare back. She still had a sports bra on but it ripped little by little everyday.

Mingyu once again grabs his knife and stabs it into Tzuyu's leg. Tzuyu could not lift her free leg to hit him as she became too weak and lost blood. Her blood fell to the ground, dripping from her toes. Tears falling as well as Tzuyu shake in coldness.

Mingyu breathed heavily with a smile placed on his bloody face. He laughs and puts the knife down and sighs contently. He removes the chains from hanging Tzuyu up by her hands and she fell hard onto the cold ground in pain. She had no strength to get up and fight him. Tzuyu's arms shook as she tried to sit up.

Mingyu grabbed a pair of handcuffs and dragged Tzuyu by her arm into another room; a room Tzuyu have become very familiar with for the past days, weeks or months maybe. She lost count on nine and that was a long time ago.

The room Mingyu brought her in was similar to the other room but there laid a dusty mattress besides a metal rusted pole. Tzuyu's eyes started to water again as she knew what he was going to do to her.

Mingyu pushed her onto the mattress and brings het hands up to the pole and handcuffs her to it. His firm widens as he plays with his belt and button of his jeans. "Ready?" He asks.

Tzuyu never answered. She've lost her voice. Her soldiers heard her cries and screams from the other room for minutes on end. This has became the routine everyday for the past few days.

The soldiers felt guilty, ashamed, and weak for not helping her. For not standing up for her. They didn't feel as if they were loyal to Tzuyu.

Moment later, Tzuyu's screaming stopped and the sound of dragging was heard. The soldiers looked up to see Mingyu dragged an unconscious Tzuyu back into the room and hanged her back up. Her head sagged down and her body had more bruises to add to the old ones from past days.

Mingyu left after smirking towards the soldiers and left. That's when the soldiers tried to break free. "COME ON!" One whisper and yells.

"Eunwoo, we have to be quiet." Another says.

"I can't be quiet!" The soldier named Eunwoo says. "Our Queen is right in front of us being used and abused. And we're here watching it happen like a bunch of pussies!" He was beyond mad at himself and his fellow knights.

"We're suppose to be protecting the Queen and yet everyday, this is what happens to her! We aren't knights. We can't even do anything." Eunwoo kept staring towards his unconscious queen.

Tzuyu hasn't moved a muscle since Mingyu left and it scared him that she could die from loss of blood.

"Okay so Sanha, Moonbin, I need you both to help me with something." The 23 year old says. The two other knights listen.

"What's your plan?" asked Sanha. Eunwoo motioned his head to the table full of torture weapons and knives.

"We need to get to that table at all costs. That's the number one thing. Second, get something to set us free from the chains.  And lastly, get our Queen down and away from here until we can get backup or wait for South Korean soldiers to come to our rescue." Eunwoo explains.

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