→ sort of

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i laughed at the joke zane made about natalie and todd, my stomach hurting at one point.

when zane finished talking and david turned off his camera after filming a bit with natalie and todd, david turned to me.

"you know, i think people would actually like you and jeff together." i nearly choked on my water, looking at him in disbelief.

i admit that i had a crush on jeff a while ago, but i realised that i wasn't his type and it was never going to happen.

plus, jeff has become one of my closest guy friends in the squad and i'd like to keep it that way.

i looked at jeff who was sitting on one of the beanbags, a grin on his face.

"yeah, y/n seems to love that idea." heath commented at my facial expression, earning a laugh from everyone in the room.

i shook my head. "yeah, definitely not happening." i said.

"damn, that hurt." jeff joked, and i rolled my eyes. "at least tell me why you don't want to be with this," he gestured up and down his body.

everyone laughed along with him, and i wished that they would move on from the subject.

they didn't though. the moment everyone stopped laughing at jeff's joke they all stared at me, waiting for an answer.

"i-it's just weird," i muttered.

matt rolled his eyes. "not a valid reason."

everyone had their eyes on me again, and i really cannot believe that this conversation is happening right now.

"and i'm sort of with someone?" i said, my statement sounding a lot like a question.

the whole room went crazy, scott jumping around in the back while the others were bombing me with questions.

i looked at jeff and he was sitting still, his eyes on his phone.

after everyone calmed down, mariah was the first to ask me if i was really with someone.

i shrug. "i mean we've been talking for a while now and it's heading in that direction so i'm sort of with him." i explained.

i watched as everyone's jaw dropped, all of them staring at me. "you all are overreacting. is it really that unbelievable for me to get a boyfriend?"

zane shook his head. "no, it's just- we never knew you were with someone."

"sort of with someone." i corrected him.

the truth is i wasn't sure that i really wanted to be in a relationship with the guy i've been talking to, and the idea of being his girlfriend honestly scares me right now.

david opened his phone, jumping up from the couch. "okay, let's talk about this over dinner." he said, and everyone agreed.

everyone stood up, and started walking out of david's house. i lingered at the back, noticing that jeff has been silent the whole time.

he was still on his phone. "can i ride with you?" i asked him.

he looked up from his phone quickly just as we stepped out of the house. "sure." he said, walking towards his car.

we all piled into different cars. an awkward silence came between us, which was absolutely confusing.

we don't always talk when i ride his car, but it never felt awkward. "what's wrong?" i can't help but ask once i saw how tight he was gripping the steering wheel.

he took a turn. "nothing." he answered abruptly.

"so why do you look like your goldfish just died?" i blurted out.

he looked at me, but immediately turned his eyes to the road. "so you're seeing someone?" he suddenly asked.

"okay, i said i'm sort of with someone. i'm not with him yet." i answered him, relieved that he was actually starting conversation.

"who is he?" he answered almost immediately, and i don't know if i was hallucinating but he sounded upset.

"you don't know him." i told him, even though i knew that everyone in the squad knows the guy i was talking to.

when we stopped in a stoplight he turned his body towards my direction. "so are you going to be with him or not?"

i tried my best not to look confused with his question. "i honestly don't know." i shrugged. "it's like he's a nice person, and i know he's a good guy but the idea of being with him is still weird to me." i explained further.

"so there's a possibility of you and him not getting together?" he asked straightforwardly.

another question that manages to throw me off guard. "yeah, i guess."

we started moving again, nearing the restaurant we were going to.

"so i still have a chance right?" my mouth dropped when i heard him.

i looked at him in disbelief. "w- what do you mean?" i cursed at myself for stuttering and sounding like a complete idiot.

"you're not with him so there's still a possibility of us happening."

"please tell me you're joking." i finally said.

we found a parking spot, and jeff started to park the car. "i'm not." he muttered while putting it the car on reverse.

i couldn't say anything else, and jeff finally turned off the engine.

he was about to open his door when i grabbed his wrist, stopping him. "y-you can't just say shi.t like that and leave." i blurted out.

he sighed, letting go of the door handle. "i'm not joking, i really do want to be with you."

"as more than friends?" i asked him, unsure. he nod. "this doesn't make any sense." i said, putting my head on my forehead in frustration.

i could feel him stare at me. "let's go eat." he said, opening the door. i stood still for a couple of seconds before stepping out of the car as well. 

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