→ plane rides pt. 2

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once we arrived in vegas we grabbed food and went straight to our hotel. i was sharing a room with natalie, and i was trying to convince her to let me take another nap.

i succeeded, while she left for the pool with the others. the moment i woke up i felt like complete shi.t.

my head was pounding, and my nose runny. i blamed it on the fact that i barely got enough sleep for the past week.

natalie is currently in the shower, while i sat on our bed watching youtube videos on my laptop.

once she finished showering she started getting ready to go out. "are you really that sick?" natalie said, peeking her head from the bathroom's door.

i nod. "i feel like shi.t." i told her, pulling a pillow to my chest. "i'll probably join you guys for dinner then bail afterwards."

she sighed, her lips turning into a pout while i told her that she was being dramatic. a couple of minutes passed and the doorbell to our hotel room rang.

i was grateful when natalie went out of the bathroom, opening the wooden door. i watched as todd and jeff walked in the room, both of them sharing a room of their own.

todd immediately made his way inside the bathroom to where natalie is, while jeff walked over to the bed.

"why is natalie doing her makeup while you look like a racoon on your bed?" he asked, walking to my side of the bed.

i rolled my eyes, and cursed at myself mentally when i felt the headache getting worst.

"i'm sick." i said, putting my laptop aside.

he sat down next to me, and i had to move my body to make space for him.

i felt jeff put his hand on my forehead. "you're pretty warm." he stated.

i looked at him. "because i'm sick." i said, my voice sounding like a seven year old.

i watched as jeff stood up, walking over to the table under the television. he took a bottle of water, coming back to me.

he gave it to me, and i gulped the whole bottle in seconds. "are you still going to eat with us?" he asked after a couple of seconds.

i nod, pushing myself off the bed. i walked over to my suitcase, opening it and looking for something to wear.

once i found it i brought it over to the bathroom, pushing todd out of the bathroom so i could change.

i didn't bother putting on makeup, not having the energy to do it. once i was done we were all ready to go to dinner, and we both stumbled out of my room.

we rode an uber to a nearby restaurant that was pretty fancy. a lot of our other friends were already there, and i immediately made my way to zane.

he embraced me in a hug. "you're sick, aren't you."

i nod, both of us making our way to the long table. dinner went great, and for a hot second i almost forgot the fact that i felt like crap because of the conversations that was going on.

after three hours of eating and talking they started talking about their plans for the rest of the night.

they were going to go to the casino at our hotel for a while then continue to go to a club.

"you're really going back to our room?" natalie asked across from me.

i nod, picking up a tissue and blowing my nose. david laughed at me and i kept myself from throwing my used tissue at him.

once we were done we hopped into different cars, driving over to our hotel. i said goodbye to everyone, walking to the hotel elevator.

i immediately changed back into my sweatpants when i arrived at my room, crashing on my bed.

i decided to watch high school musical, laughing at myself over the fact that i was in vegas watching high school musical.

just as gabriella met troy at school the doorbell rang. i paused the movie and walked over to the door, opening it.

jeff was standing on the other side with a grin of his face. "what are you doing here?" i asked him, wiping my nose slightly.

"i got bored." he said, shrugging. he pushed himself pass me, walking in the room.

he took his shoes off, running to the bed and jumping on it. i looked at him in confusion. "you're watching high school musical?" he said once he saw the television.

i nod, walking over to the bed. i went back to where i was laying down before jeff came. "since when do you find gambling boring?" i said, pressing on the play button.

"i'm just not in the mood." jeff answered. "plus, i thought that natalie's irresponsible for leaving her pet racoon in a hotel room alone."

i glared at him, who was staring at the television with a grin on his face. "i'm sick and you're still attacking me." i complained.

"you're probably used to me being an asshol.e to you." jeff said.

i nod, pulling a pillow and putting it on top of his face. "shut up."

he burst out laughing, pushing the pillow away from his face. i ignored him, continuing to watch the movie.

the rest of the movie was filled with jeff's comments on how stupid everyone in the movie is and i ignored him the whole time.

when the movie was over i checked my phone to see that it was midnight. i yawned, walking over to the bathroom.

once i brushed my teeth i came back outside to see jeff scrolling through his phone, still laying down on the bed.

"i'm going to sleep." i said, taking a gulp of water.

he answered with a nod, and i went back to the bed. "are you going to go back to your room?" i asked him, answering my texts.

"i don't want to be stuck in my room alone so no." he said.

i rolled my eyes, putting my phone on the nightstand. "fine, i'm going to sleep." i turned toward the direction of the nightstand, closing my eyes.

i was about to fall asleep when i heard jeff laughing, and i faced him. he was laughing over a video on his phone.

"jeff," i said making him look at me. i just realised that we were laying down close to each other, our faces inches away from each other.

"i can't sleep if you're giggling in the backgrouond."

his mouth fell open, looking offended. "i'm laughing, not giggling."

i nod. "sure." i said, turning my body away from jeff's.

i closed my eyes, and attempt to sleep but failed constantly. i tried to adjust my position so that i could sleep, but i failed.

"you're having another seizure, y/n." jeff said, repeating his words from the plane.

i faced the direction of the ceiling, opening my eyes. "i can't sleep."

all of a sudden i felt his arm sleep under my neck to my shoulder, and before i could say anything he pulled me to him, my head on his shoulder.

the only thing i could see was jeff's chin, and i was frozen for a couple of seconds. "w-what are you doing?" i asked him, my voice barely a whisper.

"just try to sleep." he said, his finger stroking my shoulder.

i had no energy to say anything back at him, settling with closing my eyes and try to sleep.

i was convinced that i wouldn't be able to sleep with his arms around me and my body so close to him, so when i woke up the next day with natalie sleeping on the other side of the bed i was beyond surprised.

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