|| u n e x p e c t e d c u s t o m e r ||

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i deadass be switching these perspectives, i'm so sorry, i just feel like it expresses more of what i am trying to show when i change perspectives.

"bailee" || "charlie"

5 more minutes, i thought as i impatiently tapped my hands on the hard wood counters, all whilst sipping on my pineapple apple lemonade. weird mix, i'm aware.

"times is very slow for those who wait"

and he couldnt be more right, william shakespeare, my 'once upon a time godfather'. thats what i call him, because he isnt my actual god father and he doesnt know me so thats why he's 'once upon a time', because, it was indeed once upon a time (emphasis on the 'a'). you're probably asking why i'm so excited for these 5 min- 3 actually, these 3 minutes to be over, and that is because, in roughly 2 minutes and 54 seconds, my afternoon shift is over. obviously i'm able to shut down whenever since it is my shop, but i like to run things professionally. i internally high five myself, when the second hand past twelve, meaning only 1 minute left of this dreaded shif-

my inner thoughts were cut from the sound of the squeaky rusty glass door swinging open with one fine man huffing and puffing, leaning over with his hands on his knees. long silky brunette hair, with a mix of chocolate hazel green eyes (although i was only able to take a glimpse, since he was now leaning), a white button up, a big beige coat and newly tailored black shoes which pulled all the pieces nicely together.

"did i make it in time?"

sadly, i wanted to say, instead i stared blankly at his tall built figure as his eyes slowly made its way to mine, there i noticed a single drop of sweat, falling onto his forehead with a piece of hair stuck on it, too busy examining his beautiful features i wasn't able to hear his constant questions and apologies.

"oh- sorry what did you say, i totally blanked out" i say half lying.

his soft chuckle caught me off guard. if heaven could chuckle, it'd sound like that. it was a low and sounded sweet i could almost taste it-

"its okay, i was just apologising since i came in a minute before closing hours, i couldn't find any flower shops that open on sunday besides this one" he once again cut off my inner thoughts, and i come back to my senses.

his reply didnt shock me, as this has happened multiple times before (not the entering just before closing, but the excuse) since i'm one of the very little florists that open on sundays.

"i'm new to the area" he added on, with a sheepish smile on his face, almost as if he knew what i was going to say next.

"ahh, thought so, and its fine, a few minutes wouldnt hurt" i replied, with a short smile, lying right through my teeth, of course i was annoyed, but i couldnt help but ignore my thoughts as this was one good looking guy.
"so, what was it you were looking for ?" raising an eyebrow, waiting for a reply.

"charlie, charlie adler at your service" he was now only a few feet away from me, towering over my short figure, if he was wearing something else i'd be scared. not because he was creepy or anything, but it looks as if he could blow me away with just breathing on me.

"and i was planning on picking up some fresh lilacs, you have any left?"

interesting, lilacs are believed to be a sign of 'first love' perfect for a newly wed couple. either it was for himself or a friend. i gave him a sceptical 'look' and he just smiled, while averting eyes, then taking a stroll around the empty but crowded shop, carefully analysing everything and anything . after watching a few fbi interviews i was almost certain the lilacs were for someone dear to him. and for some unknown and unwanted reason, though it was none of my business, i guess i felt,


i didn't know why, as it was our first meeting, but do you know that feeling, when you meet a total stranger, and have the urge to never leave them. that's it. ahh, there should be a word for it, or maybe i dont know about it yet, but i have that strong feeling right now, and not gonna lie, it's pissing me off. i'm annoyed that i feet that way, he's just customer, i tell myself

an unexpected customer.

leave him alone bailee, you want nothing to do with him and will have nothing to do with him after you give him his fresh lilacs, i repeated, maybe a couple of hundred times. i realised rhye was going to pick me up soon so i started to hurry, but carefully assembling the lilacs into a vase all while constantly checking up on him. noticing how long each stride he takes as he picks, smells and touches the flowers. what a nosy boy, says me. i not long after finish up and hand him his pretty lilacs, and wait for him to pay.

i watch as he rummages through his pockets with wide eyes, probably in search for his wallet. i hate having to watch people do that, whether intentionally or not, i just hate having that awkward wait when i'm watching them literally do a whole ass search of themselves for something that most definitely is not on them. i let out a short sigh and smile at him.

"its okay, its on me, i'll see you when i see you charlie" i turn to pack my now not cold pineapple and apple lemonade and chug the rest down, while picking up my keys and walking towards the exit. obviously he's refusing to let me just give them to him for free, but i really am late and dont need another lecture from my so called best friend.

"nono, i cant let you do that, i'll come tomorrow morning with the money, i'm so sorry, if i could get them tomorrow i would, but i need them for tonight."

he lets out a sigh as he followed me out the shop while i was locking up. i tell him again and again its fine and that i'll take my leave, so we bid each other goodbye. i start walking towards the bus stop when i realise he's still following me, he probably parked his car somewhere near the stop. i dont look back for the rest of the walk but still hear his familiar foot steps, when reaching the stop the bus was already there, so i started running so i wont miss it. i made it on the bus almost half dead with sweat and found a two seat empty, i quickly claim it and throw myself towards it, annoyed i had to run. as i place my bag on my army green overalls i see an oh familiar face sit right. next. to. me. with a shy and smug look on his face. rolling my eyes i turn to him.

"you following me or we just happened to live in the same area" his eyes widen, and he lets out a barbaric laugh, and looks me in the eye. (just kidding, it was low and smooth)

"if i did, i wouldnt do it so obviously" he smiles, i give him a look and turn back to my bag to get out my ear phones while ignoring him the whole ride, but a small part of me was glad we didnt leave each other so quickly.

it wasnt long when he had to get off, it was only 2 stops before mine, we bid a real goodbye and i get back to my writing, sad but relieved he left. i ignore my cheesy thoughts and go to text rhye who bombarded me with messages. knowing oh so well she'll probably cut off my head when we meet, i let out a brief and tired,

oh shit.

wanting this day to be over quickly.

wanting this day to be over quickly

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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