Chapter 19

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"What's going on in your mind Izah?"


"Me? What about me?"
He was staring at her with utter surprise.
She was quitely looking at him, it seemed she was trying to find answers just by looking at him, trying to understand this man sitting in front of her. When she didn't answer, instead kept on looking at him he got up from his place and came towards her and sat on the edge of the bed facing her.

"Are you alright? Tell me what is it?"
He was asking her with so much concern and curiosity.

"You always want to know what's going on in my mind, don't you? This time I want to know what's going on in your mind. So you tell me?"

"What do you want to know? I....I don't understand. Whatever it is just ask?"
Salaar was getting really confused, where was she going with this conversation.

"I want to know you. Who are you Salaar?"
She nearly whispered, not averting her gaze from his eyes.

He didn't really know what to say.

"Are you that person whom they all seem to know? Or are you the person who I seem to know? Because I clearly don't know the Salaar who is carefree, who enjoys life, who just wants to be happy. Now you have just turned into this serious person, who dosen't talk much, who hides his emotions, who just worries about the people around him, who clearly dosen't care about his own happiness anymore."

If he was surprised earlier then now after what she just said he was blown away.
All he could manage to say was,
"You were worried all this while about this?"

"I have been thinking about this. Why would you change so much?"

"Izah people change, some things happen in life and those things change us, it is very normal. Just because I have changed, just because I am no longer the version of myself which Ayaan told you about, dosen't mean that I am not being myself. I am still me Izah, just a different me."
He spoke in a low tone, while leaning towards her and looking straight into her eyes, and continued,
"By the way I can ask you the same question you know. Even you have changed right? You are not the same person you used to be before, are you?"

"This is not about me Salaar. We are talking about you right now."

"Both of us have been through the same situation Izah, how can the consequences be different? Grief changes people, you and I both know very well about that. So today we both are different versions of ourselves. But that's life right, nothing ever stays the same."

"Yes you are right nothing ever stays the same." Was all she could  manage to say.

"You said that I have become someone who dosen't care about his own happiness. That's not true you know. I do care about my own happiness. I am trying to be happy, a part of me is actually happy. Being around the people I love makes me happy. What about you, are you happy?"
He asked her hopefully.

"Even I am trying. For the first time in a very long time I also want to be happy."

"Then lets try to be happy together. Deal?"
He put his hand out for her to shake.

She shook his hand with a smile on her face.
This man just knows how to take away her worries. Few minutes ago she was lost in these thoughts that worried her but now here she was shaking hands with him, as a way of signing a deal with him about being happy.
Weird right?

Afterwards while laying in the bed another thought crossed her mind. She turned towards him and was trying to see if he was asleep or was he still awake.

"Staring is rude you know."
He suddenly spoke, which startled her.

"I was just seeing if you are awake or not."

"You want to say something?"
How does he always know what I am upto.

"I was thinking you must have had many girlfriends before?"

This woman was really dropping bombs on him today, one after the other. She never fails to surprise him. Even he turned towards her, and with a raised eyebrow he said,

"You really have been thinking alot today. Why don't you give that pretty brain of yours a little rest." He smirked at her.

"Oh so you are avoiding the question. Okay I understand."

"What? No I am not avoiding any questions. It's just that what makes you ask this?"

"The way Ayaan said that alot of girls wanted to be in my place. So I thought."

"Everything that Ayaan said has really gotten into your head."

"You are again avoiding the question."

"Am I? What was the question again?"
He said with a chuckle.

"That you must have had many girlfriends."

"To be very honest girls have been a bit crazy about me, for obvious reasons. I am afterall very good looking Mashallah."

"Really Salaar?"
She said in a taunting way, while rolling her eyes at him, she tends to that alot.

"Yes! Really."

"Okay so for the third time in a row you have tried to avoid my question."
She said a little irritated now.

"Okay sorry! I had a girlfriend many years ago, like literally many years ago."

"How much exactly is many years?"
She questioned in a serious tone.

"Just in case you forgot let me remind you are not in a courtroom right now, you are getting into your lawyer mode and are interrogating me."

"I am a lawyer so obviously."

"Even I am one don't forget that!"

"I won't now tell me?"

"Six years ago maybe seven!"
He said while shrugging his shoulders.

"Why? I mean what happend after that."
She was even more curious now. He kind of froze on her question. Only if he could tell her what happened after that, but he can't.

"Nothing happened just like that."
He said casually. She still was not content with his answer.
"Izah are you really asking your husband why he dosen't have a girlfriend?"
He asked her trying to supress a smile.

"No! I was asking about before. Anyways good night!"
She then covered her face with the blanket.
While she did that she heard him laugh, he was laughing at her.
"It's not funny."
She said from under the blanket, while again rolling her eyes.

"Maybe it is! Good night Izah!"

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