Chapter 5

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(Jacobs pov)
*The next day*

I opened my eyes and stood up to... wait, I can stand. I looked around and found a table with food on it. Eggs, two peices of bacon, and a buscuit.

Im not stupid.

I avoided the table and realized I was in the same room I was in yesterday. I heard a door open and close behind me.

" So your not going to eat?" I heard someone say. I knew it was August, and he already knew the answer to his question. He laughed." Still dont trust me, huh?"

" Nope." I said popping the "P". I wasnt tryna be funny on that part but he laughed again.

" Listen, Im using you to get what I want. I havent gotten it yet, so theres nothing you should worry about." He explained.

I loked and saw utencils, one including a plastic fork. I could easily use that as a weapon and get out of here. I moved closer to the table and started to reach for it. 

" Oh and by the way, dont try anything stupid. We have camera's and security guards all around this place. Dont make us have to kill you earlier than expected."

I flinched at his words, I wasnt sure whether to beleive him or not. I didnt want to chance it so I sat down and started to eat.

" So!" He continued " I hope you know that sooner or later Y/N will be taking your place here." He said, I ignored him, he's only trying to get under my skin now.

" Whatever man." I said. He laughed and I heard the door close. 

Damn, I hope Y/N is okay.

(Y/N's pov)

I sat at the kitchen counter with a tub of ice cream in hand, across from me Craig sat, starring. I helped myself to another cold spoonful. Of course it was butter pecan. We had been here almost all night, just starring at eachother. I looked at the clock on the wall... 9:18am.

" So." Craig said, breaking the silence.

" So." I echoed, eating another spoonful.

" Your..." He trailed off.

" Pregnant?" I said, finishing his question.

" Yeah."

" Yup." I said popping the "P". I get that from Jacob. The awkwardness of this whole situation was driving me crazy.

" So your gonna go through the whole..."

" Cravings, emotions, nagging, throwing up... Yes, yes I will." I said finishing his sentence again. He nodded.

" Now we really need to find Jacob." He said.


I forgot all about having to tell him. What will he think? What if he wants me to get rid of the baby? I licked my spoon.

" Can you please... not do that." He said. I looked up at him, with the spoon hanging halfway out of my mouth.

" Do what?" I asked. He made an uncomfortable face. " Dude, Im pregnant. You cant think about sexual stuff while Im pregnant."

" Im not... it just looks wrong. And you dont look pregnant. Maybe the tests were wrong."

" The tests were wrong? 18 pregnancy tests, really?"

" You never know, maybe 19 was the lucky number."

" Listen to yourself! There is no positive side to this! Im pregnant, Jacob is MIA, Ray is in the hospital, What are we gonna do?!" I yelled, immediately covering my mouth afterwards.

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