5| surprise, surprise, fucking surprise

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Getting home from school that day, I felt slightly better.

My usual moody, blackened heart beat a bit better with the blooming sun that cascaded down on me during my two-hour walk, having decided not to take my car.

It was a bit dangerous to walk in this area without any backup, seeing I was in enemy territory, but I wanted the quiet solitude of my own company—at least for a little while. The car would've been too quick, and I wanted to feel the warmth from the sunshine on my cold skin.

After a few blocks, a car pulled up behind me.

The vehicle was moving too slowly to not be suspicious and after each corner that I turned, the car continued in the direction I was going in and it became overwhelmingly clear that I was being followed.

Most would feel scared but me? I just rolled my eyes at the familiar car that was being driven by my stalker.

For a long time now, this guy had been following me around everywhere I went, not being overwhelmingly obvious that he was following me but being clear at the same time that he was. When I was with people, he hid better, camouflaging himself in the darkness so he wouldn't be found but I always knew he was there.

In the beginning, I was cautious, fearful and annoyed that out of all the things I already had on my plate, a man who was following me was just not needed.

However, after a party one day, I was walking home and there was a group of men who came up to me and I instantly knew, they weren't good men, that they wanted to hurt me. Before anything could happen, my stalker stepped from the shadows in his shades and his dark clothing like a ghost appearing out of thin air and got rid of my problem, one by one, until I was safe again.

Since then, I always thought of him as my protector and I don't think he'd ever harm me. He had plenty of chances to but he never did, all he did was watch.

All I knew about him was that he was tall, muscly, dark-skinned with jet-black hair but apart from that, he was a mystery and for a while, I had thought that I had conjured him up from my own imagination.

I had tried to talk to him to ask him why he was following him or maybe if someone had sent him because it was plenty plausible but as soon as I got close enough, he disappeared like smoke into the atmosphere.

Having thought about it for years, I didn't think anyone had sent him to watch over me; no one I knew cared about me in that way. The only person in my life with the resources to do that was my mother but there was a higher chance of hell freezing over than her sending someone to protect me.

The most plausible explanation was that he probably had a saviour complex and combined with slightly psychotic tendencies, thought after laying eyes on me that I needed the protection.

In that case, I was slightly put off because I didn't need the protection but at the same time, I was nonetheless grateful. He had saved me from some pretty sticky situations.

I hadn't told anyone about him because, although I was close to my only two friends, Lennox and Grace, my cousin from my mother's side, I just didn't want them to worry over nothing and in the worst case, involve my mother or the police and tell them that someone was stalking me.

My mother could especially never find out because she'd turn it so I'd look bad in some sort of way and quite honestly, I just didn't want her to know anything about me. The less she knew, the better.

I was nearing my house now, the beautifully arrogant house and off the car went, speeding up down the road when I reached my driveway.

I would've waved bye but I didn't think he'd appreciate that and although so far, he had been nice to me, I didn't want the tables to turn.

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