6| monster in disguise

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I went upstairs quietly and quickly muttered my goodbyes, ecstatic to get away from the dying-down dinner party.

My skin crawled in displeasure at the turn of events tonight but, there was absolutely nothing I could do about it. I'd just have to deal with it like I did with everything else.

The itchiness didn't seem to go away so after locking my bedroom door, I went into the bathroom and crawled into the shower, ready to wash away all the worries and the problems off my shoulders. I always found that warm water helped soothe most problems and after a short shower, I did feel slightly better. Cleanliness soaked my skin finally after feeling dirty from being watched all night under the careful eye of Dorran Thornton.

When I came out into the main bit of my bedroom in nothing but a towel wrapped around my wet body, my calmed heart accelerated in my chest in such a fervour at the sight I saw.

Dorran was here, all his six-foot-something glory with his back to me, idly playing with a little statue that I had on my desk. The dim lighting in the room accentuated the danger of his too-calm and collected form.

My eyes slowly widened in horror as my heart increased in pace.

I definitely locked the door. What the hell was he doing?

I grabbed my towel closer to my chest and not wanting to have a repeat of this morning, I walked to my door and grabbed the door handle.

"I wouldn't leave if I were you."

His sudden words made me pause due to a healthy dosage of fear and something else I couldn't identify. These were the first words I had heard him say to me.

His voice was as deep as his father's but was much smoother, almost lulling but there was, without doubt, a bleak darkness in his voice that sent my body on high alert.

Not hesitating for another second, I jumped into action.

I grabbed the door handle and pulled the door open, ready to get away from the person now standing in my bedroom who was bringing a dark omen where the light once was.

But the hope that tasted sweet on my tongue turned into bitter ash as the door slammed close, leaving my chances of escaping utterly void.

Dorran, as stealthy as a panther, came up behind me and used his body to push against mine and slam the door shut.

"I said I wouldn't leave if I were you," he repeated this time so close to me that my skin prickled from the vibrations of his words.

My body was coiled so tight, ready to defend myself from this unpredictable intruder and from whom bleak malice poured from his skin. I was in trouble.

I tried nudging my way out of his hold but he was too strong and the only leeway I was getting was a few centimetres from his hard chest that was splayed on my back.

"What do you want?" I mumbled into the door, frustration and hopelessness bleeding from my voice. There wasn't anything I could do at the moment apart from wait and hope he wasn't as much of the devil as I thought he was.

His grip didn't loosen at my words and instead, it seemed as if he was getting angrier from his now straighter posture that I caught a glimpse of from the corner of my eye.

My hands clammed up in fear but I thought of my mother who was downstairs.

She didn't care about me but he didn't know that and he wouldn't risk doing anything with her downstairs.

When his head got closer to mine until his lips were so close to my ear, the fear vanished and, in its place, a wave of white-hot anger.

How dare he after this morning? And now again?

I was human after all and he was treating me like garbage and for what?

A low growl tore through my throat at my situation.

"What do you want?" I repeated.

Nothing was said for a few moments and after each second that passed in silence, my skin grew hotter and hotter until it started to buzz as unwanted tension desired to crawl out of my body. I'd rather him hurt me and get it over with; the not knowing and the waiting festered the worry inside of me, making me feel nauseous and sick.

"My friends want you to leave," he whispered so softly finally speaking as if he wasn't trying to hurt me and instead soothe me, "but I don't think that's enough."

The deep baritone of his voice which felt like it belonged in a scary nightmare made me pause.

It was then I knew after hearing the ruthlessness in his voice that he held no remorse, no nothing for me and in the end, he would not stop until I was ruined.

"I don't care that you're my new stepsister," he continued, "You disgust me and I need more than just you gone."

And from hearing the hard edge in his tone, I knew that he wanted to hurt me.

His words were savage and upon hearing them so close to his mouth, I could hear the honesty and sheer surety reflected through. There was no saving me if the likes of this monster so passionate in my ruin was against me.

Before I could react, he spun me around so hard that my head felt off-centred and heavy when he faced me so that I was staring into his stone-cold face.

His silver gaze, so reflective and transparent, was opaque and blocked off in disgust as he looked down at me with the first emotion I had ever seen on his emotionless face: a sneer so packed with hatred that I almost recoiled back in horror.

What the hell had I done?

My presence had fuelled this monster and now he was unstoppable, utterly untouchable and hellbent on destruction but I could do nothing but stare into his savage cold grey eyes as I waited for what was to happen.

My back now instead of my front was pushed to the door and as his head began to move closer to mine in such a controlled manner, I wished that I was anywhere else but here. I felt trapped and confined against his hateful stare.

"Just remember, you did this to yourself, princess," he murmured, his lips so close to mine that I could almost taste the hard bite to his words, his harshness and his hostility.

With one last lingering look into my eyes, he opened the door so controlled and then left as if he had never really been here in the first place.

A second ago, a monster lurked in my mists and the next? He disappeared into the darkness, dissolving into nothing.

Even though he was gone, I could do nothing to control the fast beating of my strained heart. The sweat that coated my skin which was once for protection now felt as if it too was trying to corner me and trap me, making me feel smothered and there was a slight uncontrolled shaking to my limbs.

It wasn't fear or anger.

It was shock.

I had found myself an enemy for reasons that I could not decipher.

And I wasn't too sure that I would come out alive.

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