Jr. high

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Jonathans POV-

Evan and i never get to spend time with each other ever since he has got his 'girlfriend'. He see's me in the hallways but all he does is says hi and keeps walking with her. I think im loosing my best friend. I just sigh and go for a walk. When i walk it helps me get my mine off of things because i stare at the tree's, sunsets or rise's, just everything surrounding me. This is the life.

Time skip after walk-

I get home and get everything ready for tomorrow. Well at least tomorrow is friday. I got everything ready and then ploped on my ed and fell asleep.

Next day-

"Ugggg" i groan and get up and get dressed. "Just breath Jonathan today will be okay, i hope" i say to myself. I walk out and i smell bacon l. I lick my lips and walk into the kitchen and theres my mama cooking some breakfast. She didnt realize im up so i quitly walk up behind he and hug her "mornin mama" i say "morning sweet pea, sleep well?" She asked "kinda there something thats been bugging me lately" i say. She stop cooking i let go so she could turn around. "Whats wrong sweetheart?" She asked "its Evan he got a girlfriend and now we dont ever hang out anymore." I say and a single tear rolls down my cheek. She pulls me into a hug "dont worry he needs you more than ever. He just hadn't realized that yet but he will very soon. Just watch" i just nod "i miss him mama he was my only friend" "hey!! im your friend!!" She said and we both laugh. "Okay lets get some food in you and how about you stay home and we can have a mother son day" she says. I jump in excitement "yes that will be fuuunn!!" I reply. She smiles and we eat our breakfast and talk for a long time. I love doing this because i never get to sit down and actually talk to her. I take my mamas hand "i love you mama" i say "aww i love you more" she said getting a little teary eyed and she walk over to me and huged me and kissed my forhead. Then we got up and went and watched t.v literally all day. "Hey mama im going to go and take a nap" i say and get up "Okay i love you" "i love you mooorrrr....." i yell running to my room. I lay there and stare at the sealing for a while then right when i was about to fall asleep my phone goes of "of course" i say. Damn 10 misses calls 47 messages and 4 voicemails. All from Evan i guess mama was right. Ill text him later im tired. I put my phone down and get comfortable and fall asleep.

Evans POV-

Where the hell is Jonathan. I need him right now. Today was the worst day possible for him to miss. I start to panic and my girl walks up "you okay?" She asked "no im not....im fliping out!" I reply "why whats wrong?" She said and pulls me to sit down. "Jonathan he's....he's not here and i need him to tell him something." I say "why can you tell me?" She asked "its something between me and him" "okay whatever.. you just need to stop being friends with hom you know. He avoids you in the hallways. All you say to him is hi. You two are not friends anymore from what it seems. And he's has no friends your only being his friend to make him feel wanted hes a low life piece of trash" She said. I tense up and stand up "what the fuck did you just say?!" "You heard me." She said and gets up and kisses me roughly but i push her off. "Did you really think you could insult my best friend and get away with it!?" I yell at her. Then she realized i was being serious. "E-Evan o t-thought---" "save it where done" i say and walk off. (A/N like a badass. Imagine a explosion and then Evan putting on jet black glasses....LOL) i hear a yell "Evan why...why do you love him more than me!" "BROS BEFORE HOES!" is all i yell back. I pull out my phone and start to blow up Jonathans and also walking to him house. "Gosh damn it pick up" well thats not working lets text him.

Me: Jonathan i need you

Me: hello

Me: Jonathan?

Me: I need to talk to you..bro to bro

I texted him that alot just worded differently. Okay looks like im going to have to get a hold of him the hard way. I arive at his house and knock on his door. "Hello Evan, come in" jonathans mom says "thank you is uhh Jonathan here" i ask "yes he is but he's sleeping but you can wait if you want."she says "Okay i think i will that you." I say "Okay i will text you mom and tell her you here" she says "thank you and can i borrow a charger please?"i ask "Yes you may" she said and gave me a charger. I plug my phone up and sit down and put my face in my hands. What have i done he probably hates me. I realized i haven't been the best friend i use to be. I was hanging out more with my 'ex' girl more than him. What was i thinking and i only would say one word to him and sometimes i would wave to him instead. Im a idiot. I realized im crying now. "Evan your mom said you can stay the night if you wa--- whats wrong honey?" She said and walks over to me and sits down and rubs my back. "I-i realized i have been a terrible friend to Jonathan. The past month. I wouldn't hang out with him or talk to him. I miss him" i say and now i just start to ball. "Aww honey don't worry i know one thing for a fact that he misses you more than you can even imagine." She says to me and hugs me i just nod and hug back "thank you" i say. She just hugs me tighter and then we heard his door open "mama can i have some ice cream?" Jonathan say walking down stairs. "Go hide..go now" she whispered to me and i hid behind the couch. "Yes i will get it for you dont worry about it. Go and lay back down." She yells "Otay" he says in a baby voice and shuts his door "evan come here" she whispered to me and i went to her. "Okay ill make his ice cream but you goung to go up there to bring it to him" i nodd and smile. She gives me the ice cream and some candy? "This is his favorite candy now go and fix this." I nod again and start walking up stairs. I get to his door and i take a deep breath and open the door. He is laying down looking at the opposite side of the door "J-Jonathan?" I say startling him. He jumps up and then realized it was me and lays back down face the same side still. "What do you want?" He said sounding kinda annoyed "i came to say im sorry" i say "about?" He says with a smile but he tries to not show it. "Well im going to need you to look at me" i say he sits up and pats the bed telling me to sit down. So i do and i hamd him the ice cream bur not the candy yet. I take his hand and look him straight in the eyes and i skim the top of his hand with my thumb. "Jonathan im sorry for not being the greatest best friend. Im sorry for only saying hi to you or waving to you in the halls im very very sorry for not hanging out with you because of that slut that was so called my girlfriend. Im just sorry for everything ive done to you. Will you please forgive me?" I say then still looking him in the eyes. He jumps on me and we fall to the ground with him on top of me. "I forgive you" he says and then he grabed his blanket and snuggled up to me. I smile and his mom peeks in but Jonathan didnt hear her. I look over and smile and give her and thumbs up and she does the same but she jumps up and down but shes so skiny you can even hear her doing that. She closes the door and i look at Jonathan and he looks relaxed and tired. "Jonathan i dont need a girl as long as i have you your all i need." I say and kiss his forhead and he kinda flinches but he let it happen. "Yeah ive been rolling with that for a while Evan. Your all i need, well plus my mom and yours but thats about all i need to be me" he said and he hugs me tightly. "I've missed you so much you dont know how miserable i have been this month" Jonathan says and and the made me feel guilty. "Im sorry about that and i missed you too" he starts to skim the top of my hand with his thumb and then we fell asleep

(A/N hey guys sorry it took me so long to update im stressing like a mofo right now :( and it might be longer next time i updat because i have finals next week and thats going to be a bitch. If you like this part comment or message me and have a great day. Peace out vaniriousalliance :) <3 )

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