The Great Realization

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Rosemary was jealous of Alexis.

Juliet and Alexis had been dating for three days, and yet, Juliet already knew. Even though it was a secret, she could see right through her best friend.

In a way, she'd probably always known, at least a little. Rosemary liked Juliet. Well, from what she could tell, at least. She would never consider calling her out on it - not at least without definite confirmation. She hated being wrong in public.

Thinking back to the apple crushing scenario, Juliet almost felt bad for Alexis. Lately, she and Rosemary hadn't been on the greatest of terms as it was, but something told Juliet that this was hitting her best friend in a weak spot that had previously been yet to be uncovered in full. Moreover, there was Jocelyn, who for some reason seemed to know everything. She knew Alexis was going to ask out Juliet (well, no shit, they were moirails/best friends). Somehow, she was also on Juliet's train of thought concerning Rosemary, because when she looked at her, she just knew. It was as though her quietness led to her being able to notice what most people weren't going to see. But, if she saw what Rosemary did such a "good" job hiding (although, honestly, everyone was starting to see it by then), was she seeing how uncomfortable Juliet was dating her best friend?

Juliet knew when the whole Alexis thing got started for her. She knew the pretenses that set them up for this situation, and it was before she even partially came out of the closet to her. It was on Valentine's Day, when they had their piss fest of singleness together and watched horror movies in protest of the holiday, and romantic comedies for irony. They had a sleepover at Juliet's dad's house, and it hadn't meant anything at the time. The two of them were just friends who were single and wanted to be angry about the existence of Valentine's Day.

Neither of them were out of the closet yet.

"We'll be in the basement, which is this way," Juliet told her, leading the way. When they got downstairs, she gestured to the giant teddy bear sitting on the chair in the corner. "Um, so his name is Susan, and he would like you to respect his life choices," she began, laughing.

"Best Doctor Who reference for that, I think," Alexis noted. "So, what should we start with?"

It was the most innocent thing in the world at the time. After coming out to Alexis, though, Alexis began making jokes about how neither of them knew they were bi yet. It hadn't bothered Juliet or raised reasons for suspicion though... Wait.

Rosemary hadn't even been big on the two of them back then. Juliet realized that she felt kind of left out when they made plans that they didn't include her with, simply because she had a boyfriend. Alexis had sort of become a massive bitch when she found out about Rose and David, actually. How much did that bother Rose? Why hadn't Juliet gotten all that before?

Maybe she didn't like Juliet. Maybe she was just being a protective best friend.

She knew that Rosemary wasn't exactly Queen of Relationships, but for all of her shortcomings, Alexis almost paralleled her. It was why they both got along and also butted heads so often, anyways. Except, Rosemary was more like the opposite of clingy, as evident by her relationship with David. But, regardless, Rosemary was probably only worrying that Juliet would get sucked into the disaster that all of her and Alexis's exes had been. Even the exes that they shared...

She shuddered, pushing the thought out of her head. Time to call Kaitlyn and take a walk so as to get this thought out of my head.


"So, what's been going on?" Kaitlyn asked as they walked out of the house. "Anything totally life altering?"

"Can't I just want to hang out with you without there being some huge thing going on?" Juliet laughed. She looked at her friend, and saw she seemed pretty happy. While she and her boyfriend had some massive breakup, they'd recently gotten back together, and it showed. Juliet didn't really like him, but figured he deserved another chance. Rosemary, on the other hand, who'd met Kaitlyn all of once, had taken some sort of oath to hate him until her final breath, though. Juliet found that sweet... in a kind of weird and obsessively angry sort of way.

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