Cryptic Claws

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𝙊𝙯'𝙚𝙨 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚

It was a quiet Monday morning, it was quiet until my alarm blared. I sighed and turned it off, I checked if I had gotten any new messages or notifications


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My favorite notifications of course.
I rolled out of bed and went to the bathroom, I stand in front of my mirror and stare at myself
Is all I think and ruffle my hair a little and brush my rows of teeth, take a shower, put some deodorant on and such morning stuff.

I put on my everyday clothes and grab my bag while heading downstairs, I of course live alone so I eat a cereal bar and water my plants like usual, I feed my cat which are quite rare here (except for the witches and stuff) but I had a white little mix because I tend to get lonely easily.

I head to the door and grab my keys, making sure I didn't forget anything and head to school. I put on my earphones and listen to my daily dose of Lo-fi beats.

The walk usually takes about 5-7 minutes of walking so I'm usually early, I head to my locker and put some stuff in there to not make my suffering in this hellhole worse. I took off my earphones and closed my locker, now hearing everyone talking from basically everywhere, some were talking about their hangovers, drama, jokes, crushes and love life.

I saw some of my friends and waved to them while walking to my class. Monday's sucked the most out of the 7 because the first class was inglish class, inglish class is more horrifying than the monsters here at the school. I saw from the corner of my eye before entering class that Calculester was talking to Damien and Scott, I flushed a tiny bit and quickly went inside the class and sat in my seat. I've felt some weird feelings against him for awhile now I don't know why, it's so confusing and I don't get it. He seems so simple and peaceful, how out of all this school I like HIM? God damn this is confusing.

I think Polly saw me rush into the class because she stood next to me and just simply said

"Heya O, whatcha red about? Some hangover effects? "

I jumped slightly when she spoke, I snapped out of my thoughts and quickly responded with a nod. She had a suspicious look on her face and went to the door and checked over to the direction I looked at before rushing in and had a look saying "ooh I know what this boy is thinkiiiing"

I tried to think of something else before she came back with a wide smirk and said
"Were you blushing? "

I shook my head, some blush growing again from remembering who i saw in the hallway.
"Hmmm, I think you were and I think I know why"

My eyes widened slightly and I looked at her
"Why then?" I replied simply with a straight face

"You like Damien, don't you?" She said with a confident smile

I went speechless.


"Ooooh yes you dooo!!!! You like Damien!!"
She whisper yelled

"No I do NOT" I whisper yell back, my blush vanished from the idea of me liking Damien, he is cool as a friend but no. He is too... Uh.... Damien for me.

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