Changeling Diet

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It's been a few weeks, Oz and Calculester presented their project easily and got a A, they hung out at lunch breaks and Oz had read his book and got inspired more to talk to his crush. There was a huge party going to happen on that weeks Friday, everyone was invited and Oz wasn't a big party guy but decided to give it a try, Calculester and Oz talked about the event. There'd been some rumors spread by someone that Oz was crushing on Damien, it wasn't a big gossip but it was big in the friend circle, Oz tried to ignore it but it got to his nerves easily when someone asked if it was true, he immediately declined the rumor and said it was bullshit. They asked who he liked then but he just said no one, because who says that they like a robot? That would just be awkward.

𝙊𝙯 𝙥𝙚𝙧𝙨𝙥𝙚𝙘𝙩𝙞𝙫𝙚

The blare of my alarm woke me up as always, Balco was surprisingly sleeping with me so that meant good luck. I got up and stretched slightly trying to wake up more, I headed to my bathroom and cleaned myself off and doing regular morning ritual stuff and got dressed, I went to grab my bag when I remembered what day it was, Friday, today is the party so I don't think I will bring extra stuff with me. I went to the kitchen to feed my Snowball and water the plants, I grabbed a apple for breakfast and headed out while putting my earphones in and eating my apple.

The sun was shining and birds were singing, I got to school quite quickly today and threw the apple core in the trash when I entered the building, I didn't even bother to go to my locker today because my bag was light enough to carry with me today, I headed to the library and gave the book back I borrowed a few weeks ago, it took a little while to read because it was thick and sometimes I forgot to read it.

I went to class and sat down, admiring the outside which was quite green and blue today. More students arrived and started to talk to each other loudly, I still had my earphones in luckily so I didn't hear much, I saw Polly and Liam enter the class but they didn't really pay much attention to me, they were talking to the others about the party which was happening after school. I couldn't imagine really what the party was about, if the parties that happen regular are small then what the hell is this big party? Way more shrooms and drugs or even strippers? I had no idea. The class started and I took my earphones out, the class went by smoothly and nothing exciting happened.

The 2 classes next weren't much either, one had a quiz and the other was just us watching a documentary, I went to the library for the lunch recess to look for a new book, I went to the romance section and picked something that had something to do with robots because I was too pussy to have something like that in real life, I heard heavy steps and could recognize that it was Calculester, I picked out a book called 'Love Doth Ran Smooth' and read the back, it seemed really romantic but the robot dies in the end which made me sad to think about it.

"Hey Oz" I heard a familiar voice greet me from the end of the shelves. I turned my head to where the voice came from and saw Calculester. I hid the book slightly.

"Oh hey, your not going to the cafeteria today?" I asked.

"I don't really need to go and I find this area more calming during this recess" He said with a smile emoticon popping up on his screen, I came out of the romance area and went to the desk to check it out or to 'borrow it'

"It is quite quiet during lunch break which is surprising" I say while hiding the book in my bag.

"What book are you reading?" He asked suddenly.

"I uhm, I'm not sure I just picked it out randomly" I lied.

"Oh? I didn't know you were into romance books either" He let out a soft robotic chuckle while I softly blushed.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 20, 2020 ⏰

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