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The sound of my heart beating at a frightening pace banging against chest. I was terrified, locked in a small cupboard, not knowing what was going to happen too me or what has happened to my lover who was taken from me.

The night started out like any other I had watched TV while my lover was down stairs working on something, I didn't know what he wouldn't tell me. It was around twelve and I was strangely tired, so I walked to the top of the basement stairs and opened the door. I started to walk down the stairs until I was told to stop. A few seconds later my lover appeared at the bottom of the stairs. Without hesitation he quickly ushered me up the stairs again and to the landing and then shut the basement door behind him.

I turned around and looked at him strangely hoping he would at least give me an answer. When a few minutes had pasted I knew he wasn't going to give me one so I opted to tell him that I was going to bed.

He asked if I was feeling okay and I remember saying that I was just tired. He gave me a kiss and told me he would be up in a hour. I smiled at him gave him another kiss and  then went to bed.

I would of changed into my PJ's if I was bothered but I didn't I just went to bed as I was dressed in a white top black skinny jeans.  I curled into the covers and fell asleep.

Later in the night I was woken up by my lover, it was dark and I couldn't really see but I could tell from the way he was shaking me awake he was excited. Once I sat up he turned the bed side light on momentary blinding me. I had to blink a few times to get used to the light and when I was he shoved something in my hands, clenching my hand into a fist with the item stored safely inside.

I stared at him for a few moments before unclenching my fist and staring at the object inside. It was a simple bronzed key with a chain. I blinked, I was about to open my mouth and ask him why he had given me a key when he help up another chain this time with a lock at the end.

He told me that he had spent so long making these for metal he found, he was acting strangely because he didn't want me to find out what he was doing. I smiled at him and gave him a kiss trying to express to him how happy this gift made me. Once we had broke apart I thanked him, he had told me to stop thanking me and that it was him that should be thanking me for not giving up on him when times got rough.

I couldn't help but laugh at him, I was always going to stay with him. I stopped laughing and hugged him as tight as I could, he didn't mind in fact he held on closer.  I felt safe when he hugged me.

I started to doze off again when I was suddenly pushed away from him, shocked I looked at him. He  was holding up his chain. I clearly looked confused because he told me to be romantic and put it on him.  I laughed at him again but followed his orders. The chain wasn't that hard to put on and once I was done he put mine on for me. 

Afterwards I fell back onto the bed too tired to stay up awake. I made grabbing motions with my hands to try and coax my lover to fall asleep with me. I felt him shift as he first turned the bedside light off, then lay down on the other side of the bed, his arms circling my waist and pulling me close. I clearly remember the smile that was upon my face when I fell asleep.

Then everything turned into a nightmare.

I woke with a jump, my bedroom door was slammed closed. I sat up as quickly as I could, I could feel the body next to me doing the same.  I moved my hand around the bedside table trying to find the light switch. so many questions were going through my mind as I fumbled for the light switch having, I was having no luck what so ever. I heard my name being called and a hand rubbing my shoulder, this gave me the comfort I desperately needed. I found the switch just as my lover was telling me it was going to be okay but just before I could even turn it on, I heard a swish then a crunch and something warm trickling down my face

My lovers hand fell limp off my shoulder and I quickly turned the light switch on. Instead of seeing the caring face of my lover I found a cold hard mask coloured in little red splashes staring back at me. I reached up to touch my face, swiping the red liquid from my face. Blood from my lover was on my face.

My heart stopped. 

I could see my lovers body slumped forward on the bed, blood oozing from his head onto the cover and pillows. The figure had in his hands a base ball bat, it too marked the same blood red colour. I couldn't make a sound as I kept my eyes on the figure at the side of our bed. I wanted to scream for help and hope that one of my neighbours would hear but I couldn't.

The figure started to move around the side of my bed, as I sat there watching his movements. I opened my mouth and the only sounds that came out were small squeaks as tears began to gather behind my eyes.

I could feel slight movement behind me as I watched this monster take him time walking around our bed. I felt the sudden urge to protect my lover and that means I had to get help or this monster away from him.  Without any more thought I sat forward from my bed and jumped off the other side trying my hardest  not to hit and injure my lover anymore. I run down  the hall determined to get to the front door when I heard heavy foot steps behind me.

I tried my hardest not to be scared especially if it meant protecting my lover at all cost but the fear was starting to kick back in. I managed to reach the front door and then quickly tried to turn the keys. I heard the unlocking click and  pulled the door handle down. I thought I almost got away when I was tackled from behind and my head made contact with the door with a thunk leaving my ears ringing as I started to lose consciousness.

The next time I awoke was when the sun was rising. My head was hurting there was a ringing in my ears and worst of all my lover wasn't here. I tried to open the door but it was jammed by something, I couldn't get out

I reached up and tried to grab the necklace I was given but I couldn't find it. I froze more question flying through my mind jumbling together with previous questions. Where was my necklace?Did that monster take it? What happened to my partner'?

My thoughts were interrupted by the doors rattling and  then opened. I looked up and into the mask of the monster that was doing all this. I tried to duck past him and get to the door again but he was ready for this and caught me, then flung me backwards. I couldn't do anything else because he grabbed my hair and lead me to the living room. He let go of my hair and pushed me to the floor on top of something warm. I looked down and saw that I was on top of my lover, my beaten and bloody lover. I quickly moved from on top of him and lay right beside him instead.

The monster walked across the room and out of my line of sight but i still heard his footsteps. I kept my head down looking  at the bloody face of my lover, tears crept back up, I was unable to protect him,

"D-dre..w" A small voice said. I looked over to my lover, his hand was stretched out to me my necklace in his hand. "T-th-is...fell...o-off." He said. I heard the footsteps start to move again, this time something was being dragged with him. I quickly took the necklace and held onto his hand. "I-I lov-ve you D-d-drew." He said.

The tears were freely flowing now, my breathing became heavy again as I tried to suppress it all. The footsteps came to a stop right behind me and I heard him lift whatever he was dragging.

" I love you too,Cyrus." I said through tears. "I always will not matter what." I heard a familiar swish and then my world went black for the last time.

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