Chapter 1

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Knock knock

I looked up from the book I was reading over to the hallway that lead to the front door. I sighed and put my bookmark in the book and put it down. I wanted to have a nice peaceful day, I didn't even invite my friends over. My door knocked again, this time the person knocking was getting impatient

I quickly walked over to the door, in the hallway and unlocked it. The person at the door was a parcel delivery man, holding a out his pad for me to sign. I stared at him not fully understanding what this was about.

"Hey, mate." The man said. "I ain't got all day to stand around, so will you quickly sign this thing so I can be on my way."

I nodded my hand and reached out to take the pad, quickly signing. After signing he snatched his pad back and shoved a small box into my hands. He grunted a goodbye and headed off. I huffed at his rude attitude before turning around and walking back to the living room, not before kicking my front door closed

I flung myself down on the sofa and unwrapped the parcel. The box was simple enough, a plain blue box with a letter taped on top. I quickly ripped the letter off the box without ripping it too much.

The letter was from my gran for my birthday a few weeks back, I couldn't moan at least she never forgot about me. I unsealed the envelope and read what my Gran had sent me.

Dear Laurence

I know that you haven't had very much luck recently with your success in getting a girlfriend so I thought this might be a good luck charm. Now the nice shop man I bought this from told me that is part of a set but the other part is missing and if you find the other part you will find your soul mate.

I snorted at my Grandmothers belief that whatever was in the box would help me with my love life. I did try in trying to find love. I couldn't even get mad at her she just wanted me to be happy.

I did have a nice sweater picked out for you for your birthday but when I saw this I had to get it for you. It also fits into the whole look you like to go for very...original.

I rolled my eyes at her choice of words, she has always been accepting of my look but still didn't know how to name it.

Now I know that you haven't looked in the box yet and that is why I am not telling you what I have actually got you but you are a smart boy so you might have guessed. In the case you still haven't guessed I still won't tell you.

I looked over to the box only knowing that she had got me some kind of necklace, as that was the only thing I could think of that would sense unless my grandmother was in some kind of cult and inside was a human heart. I laughed at my stupidity, my gran was as sweet and kind as people come.

I am sorry I couldn't send this to you for your birthday and I am sorry that I couldn't see you on your birthday.

I frowned, she must be feeling bad about that. It wasn't her fault she caught the cold, I should feel sorry because I didn't visit her.

So instead I have planned a family get together in a nice restaurant and I hope to see you there. I will make sure that you are invited by phone just in case this letter doesn't arrive in time.

She was always prepared just in-case, she didn't like when people were not included. Even when I went through that whole I want to be alone part of my life she still included me in all the family gatherings.

So dear I hope to see you there.

Love from Granny

I smiled at the way she signed the letter, she never like it when anyone called her granny but found it funny to call herself that.

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