The Fate of Rin Rart 1: The Fate of the Unloved, Lost in the Dark

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613 AC,
Site: The Asadins Village
Action: The Appearance of a boy named Rin

Fate. The unknown burden, awarded to a soul for its creation. Unable to be changed without speaking to the God of Fate, Gatrow himself. Many say if you don't know your fate, it will cause your psyche to wither away, with you being unable to get it off of your mind. You isolate yourself from the rest of the world, afraid of meeting the man who will take your ever so precious life. You clean every surface of your adobe, with the fear of an inevitable disease overpowering your body.

What they don't know is that knowledge itself is the real disease. Fail to inform a child about death, he will grow with no fear, not knowing of the consequences of the fatal actions he will soon commit. He will live the rest of life seeing his loved ones leave this world, wondering, will he be able to see them again. Confusion will plague his mind. Hatred will plague his innocence. Fear, will blossom in his own home. That child, will live the rest of his existence, succumbing to the reality, that death is, and always be, inevitable.

Fortunately, that situation will never occur. You cannot possibly fail to inform a child about death, for he knows the way of the world. No soul can be awarded its fate, without the confiscation of another's. I was given life due to my mother losing hers. My father never shared with me her fate, but I unfortunately know of it.

I always wondered about her death, but it soon became clear. It was apparent that my father did not love himself, or even me. In our home, it was quiet. He never rose his voice. He never fought. We would only speak about my studies, but other than that, the home was so quiet I could hear his thoughts cascade of the walls and back to my ear. Thoughts you would never know a father would have about his child.

In public, he was very protective, the few times we left home. We are not well liked amongst our dynasty, the Asadins. I would attract attention from people I'm not familiar with, but the hatred and disgust in their scorn towards me was unimaginable. The look in their eyes could only be compared to a child meeting the killer of their parents, holding the weapon of destruction in their hands, and I could tell the fire burning in their eyes grew larger every day because they knew they couldn't touch me.

Father stared right back at them, often slightly unsheathing his sword as an act of intimidation. Sadly, this was the same stare father gave to me. Over time, the thought came to me. Due to the shared disgust towards me, there must be something wrong with me, more than my look. It is obvious my complexion is of a darker shade than the other Asadins, but it has to be deeper than that. It has to be something within me, within my genetics. It must be, within the fate of my mother.

The hate my father has towards himself doesn't stem from his actions, or the man he has made himself to be, but the man he was born to be. It is obvious that he hates the Asadins. He despises who they are, and especially their morals, but his blood is filled with their rich history. It is because of his dynasty, why he hates himself, and why he hates me. But my other half, is why he loves me, why he will do anything if it for my safety, my protection, my life. I love my father for that.

I have no other immediate family other than my uncle, Masa. He is the leader of our village. He is the only person who does not give me the look. He sees me as part of his family. He pities me, especially because I have no one other than my father. What he doesn't understand is that I don't really care for any of it. What other people see me as is their business. Why should some sour faced assholes stares affect me. They all fall under me, in hierarchy, and morality. The Asadins are savages. More than Ivar and the Vikings, who were rightfully exiled because of their savagery. Asadins believe they should rule, they don't believe in roles, and they all take and never give. We are supposed to be the royal guards of this kingdom, but we have betrayed our kings, and soon the Asadins will rage war on this kingdom.

Not everyone knows, but being the son of the General of the army, and nephew of the Leader, I can sense when the air is filled with tension. I'm not sure why we have such a hatred towards our Kings. Viktor I can understand, he's an asshole through in and through out, but Raymond I don't know about. He seems like he understands what it means to be a king. He understands true sacrifice.

I've never heard my father talk about the Kings, in any type of manner. As the main protector of the kingdom, you would think he would speak of them often, but he never has. Even when Masa speaks of them, which he often does, father doesn't even changed his usual still face. I don't think it is because he hates them, it's just because that part of his life he would rather ignore when he is home.

Whenever Masa mentions the kings, I never expect it to be good. He doesn't critique how they rule, only speaks about their character. Mainly Viktor. He says that Viktor is the most untrustworthy person he has ever met. He says he committed treason to his own kingdom, and that he will soon understand that when you make an agreement with an Asadin, you stick to it. I don't know what that agreement was and it was obvious that father didn't either. But father isn't very vocal, and usually will just agree with anything Masa says. That got very annoying rather quickly.

But lately he has been speaking up during their meetings. I've overheard Masa getting angrier as he spoke about Viktor. I've heard father respond and say that Masa should forget about the past because their personal relationship with the Deiu is over, and that he was the one who really lost everything after that day, and that the only ties they have with them is their jobs. After that, I heard Masa speak in a tone I have never heard him speak before.

He responded with the calmest tone, "The time is now. After today we will be lifted of our curse. After today the Kingdom will change forever. We will no longer be made a fool of. Viktor is not our true target, neither is Raymond. Out target was, and will forever be, the gods of this world. We could sense the power of the gods within Viktor, more than what a Deiu should wield. That man has become something unhuman. That man is no longer our trusted king. That man is a god living amongst mortals. If it means dying on the battlefield in order to halt his transformation, we will do so. Viktor has become a god, so we must end him before it is too late.".

My father grew silent. I could hear his heartbeat slowly stop. His sigh echoed throughout the room. I don't know what happened after that, but all I knew, was that father's and Masa's demeanor changed. Father went from a calm collected man, to a determined killer. Masa no longer seemed angry, but relieved now, like he know his fate is near.

That meeting took place yesterday. This morning I awakened to the noise of father sharpening his sword. Not his normal sword though, a sword I have never seen before. I asked him what type of weapon it was and he responded "This is a weapon that can only be used to its full ability by an Asadin. Many have wielded this sword due to it being a trophy of true treason. Your uncle gave this sword to me a while ago, and back then I didn't understand why. Now I do. Rin you must become familiar with this weapon. You will use this sword to revive the Kingdom. I unfortunately will not get to see you wield this in my lifetime, but I know you will have the ability to be rewarded with it soon. This is the only artifact from our ancestors that still holds its true purpose. Allow the Asadin blood to flow through you. As long as you do that, you will never worry about anything being out of your reach.".

I didn't understand a word he said, but I knew he meant it. After that he hugged me and told me that he loved me, and that all of this is for my future, and my fate. He then walked out the door without saying goodbye. I didn't say it either because I knew he was coming back. From the tone of his voice I knew he wasn't scared of what was about to come, but from the look on his face I knew he wasn't sure of how it would end. From the way he hugged me though, I unfortunately knew, he was not coming back the same man, physically and mentally.

After he left, I went to the window to see the size of father's army he put together on such short notice. To my disbelief, there was no army. There was no militia gearing up as reinforcements. All I saw was the confused faces of the village people, seeing my father and my uncle ride away towards the Kingdom. If our own military do not know of this battle, I suppose the Kings do not either. This is a sneak attack. This is it. This is the King's Fate.

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