fighting and friendships, 14

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Hope found herself being flung up into a tree, her back hitting a thick branch. She quickly grabbed the branch and swung herself forward, doing a backflip as she fell back to the ground. She landed gracefully in front of Kaleb, who was the one who had tossed her up there. He stood with his mouth slight open and his eyes widened.

"Damn," he mumbled expelling a heavy gust of air.

When they had started this fight, they had been in the mill, but it quickly became clear that if they didn't take the fight outside, they would bring the mill down around them. Hope happened to like having the mill there to share moments with Josie, so she unceremoniously kicked Kaleb out the entrance, where he rolled backwards. Their friends followed them outside and found a safe place to stand several yards away, so they didn't accidentally get caught up in their fight.

Hope was covered in blood, both hers and his. They each had given just as good as they got, and despite the brief pain she felt when Kaleb would land a good shot, she was enjoying the fight. It was nice to be more evenly matched for once. She didn't have to pull her punches or worry about hurting her partner too badly. As long as she didn't accidentally take Kaleb's head off, he would be fine.

Still, she could see that he was waning. While Hope had a nearly endless supply of energy, Kaleb was weakened from the lack of human blood. Something she noticed right away. He put up one hell of a fight though, and since she didn't want to embarrass him too badly, she kept the fight going. It was time to end it though. She could see how badly he was hurting, and the last punch she landed still hadn't healed, which meant he needed blood, badly.

Kaleb was still looking at his in awe, so she took his moment of weakness to take him down. She kicked him in the chest, causing him to fly across the yard a few feet, and then pounced on him, pinning him to the ground with on hand. He looked up at her with surprise written all over his face, clearly not expecting her to make the sudden move.

She grinned down at him. "You did good," she said, and extended her arm out for him to take.

He looked skeptical at first, but took the offered hand, allowing her to pull his tired body off the ground. "Gotta say Mikaelson, you are hot as hell. Never thought I'd be so happy to have my ass handed to me by a girl."

Hope chuckled, and then bit into her wrist and offered it to him. He looked at her questioningly. She just nodded her head toward the wrist. He took the wrist gratefully and took just enough blood to heal his ragged body.

"I'll talk to Doctor Saltzman about allowing you and MG to drink human blood," She told him. "You need to be at your best for the fight."

He wiped his mouth and smiled. "Thanks. We could use the boost, right MG?" He turned to where his friends were standing, to find the person her was talking to missing. "Where'd MG go?"

"He left a few minutes after you moved out here," Landon said. "He said he forgot he had something to do and then left."

"That's strange," Kaleb said, and the shrugged. "It must have been important. MG didn't shut up about this fight at all last night."

"I'm gonna go see if he's alright," Landon said, then walked away from them with his hand in his coat pockets.

"I should go take a shower," Hope said as she wiped her sweaty forehead, smudging dirt and blood there. She smiled when she realized she was actually sweating. The only other time she actually exerted herself enough to do that, was her nighttime activities with Josie less than a week before hand.

Thinking of which, she stepped up next to Josie and whispered, "Care to join me?" Just loud enough for Josie to hear. She couldn't wait until the bond was completed and then she could talk to Josie through their thoughts, instead of risking others hearing them.

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