Chapter 5.

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* Selene *

Shit. Shit. Shit. I need to start paying more attention. Why did he have to be in there? I had to tell him something, or he would of just begged Robert. Don't get me wrong, Robert can keep a secret. But I feel like it's asking too much to make him lie to his best friend.

I already knew quite a bit about Blaine before we met. Robert has always talked very highly of him. He had met Blaine while I was doing one of my disappearing acts. While he was searching for me, he moved to New Orleans, and got a job at the club when it first opened. And they became instant buddies. He would always tell me that I should meet him sometime, said I would like his personality. He always seemed to care for people, and treated them nicely. Never made any enemies. He wasn't a player, just had a dream that he seems to of succeeded. Lucky for him! Looking into my rearview mirror to make sure no one was following, I came to the conclusion that my dream would never be fulfilled.

Another reason why I had stopped talking is because I became to hate my voice. It seemed to get me in even more trouble. I just couldn't bring myself to stop doing what I loved. My passion, singing. I just hated the effect it had on people. You can say I pity myself, but it's not true. I pity the people who are taken to it. The people who can't help but to stop and listen. I've been told they feel like they have no control over it. Who would ever like the feeling of being controlled? I don't want that for people. I want them to enjoy my voice as much as I love singing to them.

I pulled into my apartment, shut my car off, and bolted for the stairs. Entering my apartment, I put the envelope I made for my landlord on the counter, and grabbed my suitcase. I took one last look around my home, then headed straight back for my car. I was on my way to Texas!

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* Unknown *

"What do you mean she isn't there?" I screamed into the phone.

"Sir, I'm sorry. I guess she figured it out. We searched the whole place, she had left an envelope for her landlord saying she had to leave, with a wad of cash in it." His footman replied.

"God dammit, what do I keep ya'll around for? It has taking me 10 years to find her, and she fucking escapes me again. How the hell was she tipped off? Hell, I just found out for sure it was her!"

"I have no idea, sir. Maybe you should talk to the manager?"

"Where the fuck do you think I am going now, you peice of shit? Don't fucking ask me questions, or even make suggestions. " I yelled stomping on the gas pedal.

"Yes sir," he barely finished before I hung up.

Stupid fucks. Think they know what they are talking about. I shook my head. This manager of hers better have some good news for me. I'm no longer in the mood to play cat and mouse. She isn't getting away from me this time, at least not alive!

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