Chapter 11.

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* Blaine *

There was something different about Selene today. She seemed more shut off, closed in herself. She had just finished her story, then got up, and headed for her room. I realized she needed to be alone. Five minutes had passed and still no one said a word. It's hard to believe that there are people out there that would do that to someone. Its difficult to take in. She was only 16, making her 26 now.

"We need to get rid of this guy!" Drew spoke first.

"We don't even know who he is!" Bo argued.

Bruce slammed his first on the coffee table getting everyones attention. "Then we figure it out. I don't care how, we just do. I won't have him running around any longer than he has to. I don't know what story you just heard. But that girl is broken because of it. She may think she is fine, but she isn't. There is no way. No person should have to run and hide for their life, trusting only themselves. She is lucky she made it as long as she did. She probably only got away with it because of ignorance. I don't mean nothing bad when I say that either. I mean, she was 16, and had no clue how to hide from someone as determined as that man out there! We will do everything we fucking have to, to give her back the life that has been stolen from her. I don't know anyone who can drop their life, like she did, and never think back. Can you even imagine everything she had to go through at the age of 16 and up to stay alive? For food, or shelter. Because if ya'll haven't thought about that, then you're just as ignorant as her!" He finished storming outside.

I inwardly cringed. It didn't cross my mind. There are so many horrible things she probably had to go through or see. Technically she was homeless, with only a certain amount of cash. I dropped to the couch Bruce was just in, burying my head in my hands. Without knowing this person, things just got a whole hell of a lot harder.

Bruce came in a little while later cooled off some. Selene had stayed in her room. We were all crowded around the kitchen table trying to figure out a way to find out who this guy was. We were coming up with nothing. Everything we thought of included using Selene and none of us were willing to even go past thinking of that idea.

All of a sudden something was slammed on the table in the middle of us all. Our heads snapped in the direction to see Selene standing with her hands on her hips. She gestured with her hand for us to take a look at what she threw. Bruce grabbed it and opened it up. I froze. Bo and Drew gasped, while Bruce stood fast, turning and punching a wall. There in front of us was a very detailed drawing of one of America's most wanted, Jerry Sither. He was wanted for murder, human trafficking, kidnapping, and rape. Things just got a lot more complicated. He took dangerous to a whole other level. Flipping the pages, there was dozens of drawings of him, all very detailed. I turned to look at Selene, but she was gone.

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* Selene *

I just needed to be alone. After telling the story to the guys, it brought back a whole bunch of unwanted memories. Memories that I had tried years to forget, but was unsuccessful. Those drawings, I always kept with me. Almost as a reminder of what I was running from. The last one, I had just drawn. I used my memory of when I saw him in the club yesterday. I didn't know who he was, and honestly I didn't want to. I didn't want to learn the truth of how malicious he is. I had seen a glimpse of it, I didn't want to know the full truth. He had to be someone awful, considering how everyone knew who he was just by the first picture. Hell, Bruce punched the wall. After that I left the room. I came to hide in mine. I would follow their plan when they figured one out, but I was done with everything else. Including singing. I thought it was worth it, maybe I was wrong. I would keep singing if I was able to escape him forever. But if not, I would give it up. It's either that, or die. I'm not afraid of dying, I've already been close once. But if I was to die today, I would leave nothing behind. Not even a name. They pronounced me dead 5 years ago. I checked. I had been missing so long, they gave up. When I die, I want to be able to leave knowing that someone would remember the real me, not the scared version running for her life.

I must of fallen asleep when I heard a knock on the door. "Come in," I groaned.

I was expecting Blaine to come in, and was very surprised when it was Bruce!  "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you up, I can come back later or tomorrow?"

I sat up, "No, it's fine. I don't need to sleep the day away anyways. I wouldn't sleep tonight. What's up?"

He walked into the room and shut the door. "I just wanted to talk to you about some things, is that okay?" It was weird seeing such a terrifying looking man speak so comfortingly.  I nodded.

He grabbed the chair in the corner of the room and brought it close to the bed and sat down. "Do you want to know who he is?" I shook my head.

"I didn't think you did. We haven't figured out a plan yet. I don't want you to be worried though. We will figure something out. I just wanted to check and see if you were okay." I noticed the caring in his eyes. I wonder what kind of hell he has been through, surely it's worse than mine.

"I'm fine. The story just brought back unwanted memories. Thats all." He nodded his head, understanding.

"Selene, I'm going to say something, and I don't want you to inturup me at all, alright?" My face filled with confusion, but I nodded anyway.

"You are a strong woman. But you are broken." My confusion only grew, broken?

"You just haven't realized it yet." He continued. "You left your parents behind without a word, and now they probably think you are dead." Why was he saying this?

"You said an elderly woman, helped you until you were healed enough to travel on your own. You must of went through some horrible things to get you to where you are today. If you didn't, then you would of been dead. You had to figure out a way to get food, and shelter. I don't want to know what all you did, I am just stating facts here." Tears were coming to my eyes. What was he trying to accomplish?

"You found your friend Robert after some years and started working at Blaine's club as a waitress, and ya'll came up with the shadow box idea. Now he is in the hospital, because he wouldn't give any information about you. Honestly, he is lucky to be alive." He reached out and swiped the tears off my face.

"Blaine has left his life behind for now to help you out, and we are also here. Now I am not bringing all of this up to hurt you anymore than you already are. I'm trying to get you to see what all this man has taken from you. He took you home, your food, your freedom, your dream, and your friends. Are you going to let him take your life too, Selene? Because if you are, then I am going to tell Blaine to go back to work. Then I am going to pack my stuff, and tell Drew and Bo that there is no need for us here. If you are giving up, then I am not going to even try for you. But if you are willing to fight for everything he has taken from you, then we will fight with and for you. I know you are strong. And I know you are also broken. But which one do you choose to be right now?"

I thought over everything he said. He was right, about everything. I am broken, but I've also made it this far, without any help. Now I have more help on my side. I may actually have a chance of coming out alive in this. "I choose to fight!"

Bruce smiled and then pulled me into a hug. "Come on, we have some planning to do!"

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