Chapter 5-"Always Do What I Say."

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I sat awkwardly at the kitchen table with Trevor leaning on the counter, watching me.

After the meeting, he told me I had to eat something since I hadn't since I got here last night.

"Eat." He said sternly.

It wasn't that I didn't like what he had made me, well I said it was 'made', but I think it was take-out. It was that I'd rather starve to death than be here. Than to help them.

"Natalie." He growled lowly, pushing himself off the counter, his eyes never leaving me as he bent down level with my chair. "Don't test my patience."

He shoved the fork into my shaking hand.

I just held it there, not moving a muscle.

"I'm really in no mood to punish you, sweetheart, but I will." He said tauntingly.

I let out a shaky breath, keeping my eyes firmly on the table.

"I'm not hungry." I lied.

Suddenly, he grabbed the fork forcefully out of my hand.

"Do I really have to feed you like a fucking child so you don't starve yourself?" He barked, irritated.

I shrugged and crossed arms over my chest tightly.

"Open." He demanded.

I shook my head no, pressing my lips firmly together.

"Natalie." The British accent in his voice dipped low as he dropped the fork onto the plate carelessly, grabbing my chin roughly to look at him. "If you want to act like a child, then I won't hesitate to punish you like one. This makes two and as the saying goes, three strikes and you're out. I promise, Princess, your pride will hurt worse than what I'll do to you."

He stared at me hard and even though I tried not to show any emotion, it was clear the affect he had on me.

But I just couldn't give in to him. I just had to be stubborn.

And as I shoved the plate forcefully away from me, somewhere deep inside wished I hadn't.

He clenched his jaw and gripped onto my arm, jerking me up.

"Let go of me." I demanded, struggling against his grasp.

"No can do, love. That was your last chance."

He began dragging me toward the stairs as I continued to struggle.

"The more you resist, the worse your punishment will be." He warned lowly.

I slowly calmed down and let him lead me, my heart beating loud in my ears.

I felt sick.

I felt so stupid.

Why would I tempt him?

I was going to throw up.

I could only imagine what a punishment from Trevor Hudson would be like.

I felt tears already brimming my eyes but as I fumbled up the stairs, Trevor still latched onto my arm.

I knew I had to keep up a strong front.

He stopped in front of a room that I'd never been in before, granted that I wasn't exactly free to explore the huge house.

All I knew was that this definitely wasn't the room I'd been in last night.

As he twisted the knob and pushed me inside, I immediately knew that it was his room as it smelled just like him.

It was a dark maroon color with a huge bed right in the middle, messy from last night. It was surprisingly very mature looking for someone his age.

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