Arizona's Teddy Bear

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Arizona's Teddy Bear

"One gonna heal my body another gonna heal my pain

One gonna settle me down and bring me back up again

I'm gonna get my family back together again"


"You did kind of ghost me," Says Teddy with a smirk.

"Sorry" apologizes Arizona, biting her lip guiltily.

"Since when did you become obsessed with the term 'ghosting' anyway?" Inquires Teddy with a quirked eyebrow, curiosity overtaking her feigned hurt.

"Since my girlfriend ghosted me a few weeks ago" huffed Arizona.

"Huh," says Teddy. "What a bitch" she gloats.

"Minnick? She kind of is" admits Arizona

"So you're single" clarifies Teddy.

"Single as a Pringle" Arizona sighs. "Still lookin'," She says.

"I'm single too," says Teddy. "Because I'm no G.I Jane I'm Attachment Barbie so I best be really really careful about who I sleep with.

Because when I sleep with people I care about them and then you know what happened when Andrew left. At least you were there to comfort me" Says Teddy

"While I was trying to get you to kick out Owen and Cristina from our apartment for me, not my best moment even if I did give you a hug," Says Arizona

"Uh-huh. So back to you being single, I'm betting the dry spell has been rough on you" Says Teddy

"W- what?" Arizona panics.

"Relax come on we're friends we always used to talk about this stuff I told you about the time Mark propositioned me for a threesome remember you talked about how cute Reed Adamson was.

What did you say like a surgical pixie or something" Teddy just drinks more tequila and shrugs at the blonde?

"And you just smiled at me like if you think she's cute then why did you say no. If it was only Reed would you have said yes?" Teddy muses.

"The answer is if you were wondering that I was mad at Mark for having someone else over. I was a fool to think I would be exclusive with Sloan.

Like you said. He's a candy bar. That's all he would ever be to me" says Teddy who is now wondering why Arizona is fidgeting.

"Sorry, jumpy that's all" Arizona looks down to not meet Teddy's eye. She didn't want to admit Teddy was right about her [finding the dry spell difficult], not wanting to admit that in her newly single state and also in knowing Teddy wasn't seeing anyone either...

Well, that suddenly her best friend's body looked even more appealing to her than ever. How had she not noticed this before? They literally hugged all the time? How had she not seen Teddy's hotness for what it was worth?

As if reading her mind Teddy chuckled. "Checking me out are you Robbins? Like what you see huh do tell what newly acquired abs I have from the military base" she raises her eyebrows at Arizona knowingly.

Caught. Arizona thinks.

She's caught staring red-handed by her best friend.

Because Teddy knows her, too well apparently and she can tell her truths from her lies and she can tell the difference between happy getting some Arizona and sad separated times for Arizona. And by sad, she meant her current state of sexual frustration that manifested in her body by unusually fake smiles and stiff tension in her neck and shoulders.

Arizona's Teddy BearWhere stories live. Discover now