Peak boredom, prepare to cringe ⚠️ CRINGE ALERT ⚠️

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So I hit peak boredom today and for whatever the f**k (sorry for bad language) reason decided to do this:

(Prepare to C R I N G E!)

(Prepare to C R I N G E!)

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(the pictures are bad, it looked better irl, I swear

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(the pictures are bad, it looked better irl, I swear...) I tried doing cosplay makeup for (I think you can guess who). I've been watching too many cosplay videos on youtube, and I had nothing else to do (again, peak boredom) so here we are.

So yeah this took about 30 minutes of my life and surprisingly no one in my family saw me doing this (thank goodness, that would've been super embarrassing to explain). I used a big makeup kit I've had for almost 2 years that I've hardly used (I only wear makeup when I'm forced to, which is for guard). I'm no makeup expert, but it looks a lot better than the time I tried to do it in December:

 (That's mostly because I know what his design looks like now, and the one in December I barely knew what he looked like

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(That's mostly because I know what his design looks like now, and the one in December I barely knew what he looked like.)

frICK I put the edgy hair bang on the wrong side again

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