Blaise was waiting at Hogsmed and looked at his watch,Ron had 5 more minutes to get there.
"Did he ditch me?"said Blaise,worried. "Maybe that isn't it...wait what if?..."he was cut off by a steps from behind him.Blaise groaned and looked at someone he knew.Ron was wearing a Red and Yellow dress,Red shoes and had done his hair so it looked nice.Blaise blushed hard and thought "He wore that just for our first date?'. "Erm it might seem weird but do you have any comment of how I look.I think you look handsome."said Ron,blushing as Red as a tomato. "I-I think you look..."Blaise looked around. "You look cute..."said Blaise.Ron blushed harder then a tomato if that was possible at the comment.After eating they went down to the stream. "Wanna go for a swim?"said Blaise not knowing Ron had nothing to wear for a swim. "Sorry I forgot my swimsuit."said Ron.Blaise shrugged and got into the water. "I love him..."thought Ron.
XD sorry:Ron is singing if Blaise and Him can even be together
"Oh,erm...Blaise!"yelled Ron looking at the sky.There were dark clouds. "Yeah Ron?"asked Blaise. "There might be a storm!"continued Ron "You have to get out!".Suddenly Blaise disappeared.Ron got scared.He heard something behind him.He closed his eyes and smacked whatever was behind him. "OW!"yelled Blaise. "Oh merlins!Sorry Blaise!"Ron continued "I was scared and then...".He was cut off by a soft shush and he got petted.Ron blushed and snuggled Blaise,who was magically in his clothes XD.They were like that for a while until Blaise saw that it was gonna rain.Ron on the other hand thought it was a good idea to sit on Blaise's lap.Blaise blushed and smiled.He lost control of himself though and began kissing
Ron's neck. "Erm...B-Blaise?"moaned Ron.
Blaise bit Ron's neck and that made Ron moan louder. "B-Blaise stop it!Your hurting me!"said Ron.Blaise got back to reality and was surprised to see Ron hiding his red mark. "W-What did I do?"asked Blaise,scared he hurt Ron.Ron explained it.Blaise said sorry and he gave Ron a necklace.It said:Blairon♡︎.
"Thank you Blaise."said Ron blushing.He gave Blaise a kiss on the cheek.Then Blaise did something.He grabbed Ron's waist and whispered something "See you later,Cutie.".
Then Blaise walked off.Ron felt a warm feeling and butterflies in his stomach. 'He called me cutie!'thought Ron.Then he got a picture in his mind. 'Shit did I actually just think of him like that?Whatever he is so hot!And I just know that I like him because of himself.He then remembered the Yule Ball.Ron thought of asking Blaise to the Ball.Meanwhile
Lavender Brown was planing on asking Ron before Blaise. "Zabini,look out.Ron.Is.Mine."OOF sorry I didn't upload a new chapter a few days ago.It because I got way to many stories.
GayFan OUT!
Me:Walks into a wall-OW!Ok now I am out I need a bandage-dizzy
Different Skins(Blairon gay love story)
FanfictionTHIS is for Harry Potter People and if you gay then you can read too.But their will be a 13+ chapter and I will also do dares.I also do Darry,Pasmione,Linny,Deamus,and other gay ships in Harry Potter.I do Octonauts too.I'm new tho.Hope you like it!�...