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Jackson looked like he might throw up. "Okay." He looked down at his hands. "Okay. So you like her, and she likes you."

Jeongyeon shook her head. "Jackson, we don't have to do this right now..."

"There's really only one logical explanation," Jackson completely ignored Jeongyeon's comment.


"I'll see you around, okay, Jeongie?" Jackson patted the smaller girl on the shoulder as he passed by; leaving a dumbstruck Jeongyeon alone to wonder what had just happened. Was he going to go break up with Nayeon? What if Nayeon hated her for telling him the truth? What if...

Jeongyeon was distracted by a sudden vibration in her pocket. There was a text from Sana, asking to hang out. She put her phone back in her pocket, unable to deal with Sana at that moment. That was a whole other situation that was left to deal with. All of these complications were making Jeongyeon's still fragile head pound, and she slumped to the ground to relieve herself of some of the pain.

She ended up falling asleep with her back against the lockers, and almost an hour later she jolted into consciousness by a dull impact to her ear. With a little confusion Jeongyeon's hand batted away at the item that had hit it, coming back with a poorly made paper airplane.

I didn't expect to come to school for cheerleading practice to find you asleep in the hallway. Wake up, sleepyhead.

Jeongyeon's eyes flashed to the end of the hall, where Nayeon sat with her legs crossed. Jeongyeon could only just pick out her silhouette, but it was definitely Nayeon. A grin started across Jeongyeon's face and she moved to get up, only to be striked with a better idea.

I didn't really expect to be woken up by a piece of paper in my ear either, so I guess we're both surprised. How was your day?

She refolded all the creases as well as possible and tossed it down the hall. It lazily glided through the air until it dipped to the floor in front of Nayeon.

This continued for another ten minutes with no speaking, just writing, until the page was covered with scribbles, notes and drawings. The sun was setting and casting an orange glow through the windows in the hallway, which was swiftly getting darker with each passing minute.

Finally Nayeon stood up and called down the hall, "Want to go get something to eat?"

Jeongyeon ran to where Nayeon was standing. "Of course."

Just as the two walked out to Jeongyeon's car, Jeongyeon saw the last person she wanted to see out of the corner of her eye. Sana was running into the parking lot, her long and blonde hair flowing behind her like a cape. Next to her, she could hear Nayeon sharply inhale.

"You didn't text me back!" Sana said once she reached Jeongyeon, out of breath. She was still in her cheerleading uniform. "Do you want to go to Bambam's party tonight? He says it won't be too many people. So I guess it'll be fine with you."

Nayeon climbed into the car with a disgusted look dominating her features.

"I really shouldn't...the loud noises won't be good for my head," Jeongyeon explained quickly, frantically trying to talk Sana out of the party idea before Nayeon got so pissed off that she drove away in a car that wasn't hers. "Thanks, though!"

Jeongyeon slid in the driver's seat to a distant Nayeon. "One second," Nayeon said coldly, moving to open the door.

"Stop," Jeongyeon grabbed Nayeon's elbow. "Don't. We're just friends."

Nayeon disregarded Jeongyeon's remark and shook off her hand. Through the window Jeongyeon could see Nayeon and Sana, obviously arguing about something. Jeongyeon sunk her head in her hands, not willing to watch the scene unfold anymore.

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