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They didn't call it 'practice rush' for nothing. Every minute of everyday when Jeongyeon wasn't in school, she was working out, practicing, and being on a strict diet. All the girlfriends and close friends of the football players often hung around practices with water, towels and extra support.

Jeongyeon woke up at five AM each morning for practice. Every morning she woke up to a text from Nayeon. It always read "good morning and good luck" but nevertheless it never failed to make Jeongyeon beam.

The big game was approaching so quickly Jeongyeon could hardly grasp time anymore. "Miss Yoo," one of her teachers snapped. "I understand you and your teammates are busy, but that doesn't give you an excuse to fall asleep in my class."

From behind Jeongyeon, one of Nayeon's friend who has become hers too, because they realized they had the same class after so lon; Momo giggled. "Why didn't you wake me up?" Jeongyeon whispered behind her.

Momo shrugged. "You looked like you needed the sleep, and we weren't doing anything important. Come on, Jeongyeon-ah, you're working yourself to death."

"Need to win," she mumbled as her placed her head back down on the desk. "Got to win the game."

"You guys will win," Momo assured her. "I already have my dress for the dance and everything."

"Yah, Momoring!" Jeongyeon's head shot up. "That's bad luck!"

Apparently the statement had been a lot louder than intended, because the teacher turned to glare at the pair. "Miss Yoo," the teacher hissed. "Maybe you should go for a walk outside."


It was only two days before the game, and it was the practice that would hopefully push them over the edge to be winners instead of losers. The cheerleaders ran their routine as per usual. Before going on the field, Jackson made one of his inspiring speeches.

"Okay! This is our last practice, because tomorrow should be spent resting, pumping up for the game, and drinking protein shakes!" The team let out a groan in unison. Jackson shook his head. "I've never met a group of people so unwilling to drink my protein shakes."

"They suck!" Someone called from the back of the team, and everyone on the team agreed with adamant nods of their heads.

Jackson laughed. "Man up, you guys." Everyone's eyes turned to Jeongyeon. "Even you, Yoo. I saw you gag when you had yours yesterday."

"Because it was disgusting," Jeongyeon called out with a laugh.

"Okay, enough talk about protein shakes. The final word is that you're drinking them tonight, no exceptions. The main thing is that today, we're going to be practicing until you can't feel your legs anymore, even if means we're here until night. Let's split into teams!"

The group dispersed and Jeongyeon wandered over to where Nayeon was sitting. "Can you tie my hair?" She asked Nayeon.

Nayeon patted the spot next to her. Jeongyeon swung her leg over the bench and Nayeon's fingers starting tugging her hair into a tight little bun, causing her head to jerk backwards. "Are you ready for the game?" Nayeon asked.

"As ready as I'll ever be," Jeongyeon admitted. "I might need an ice bath after this practice."

"You'll be fine," Nayeon assured her, finishing off. "Go get 'em."

Jeongyeon secured her helmet over her hair. Nayeon smiled and leaned in, placing a kiss on the side of the helmet. Jeongyeon greatly wished that there wasn't a piece of thick plastic separating Nayeon's lips from her skin.


"Wake up," Jeongyeon was nudged out of slumber by pairs of urgent hands, pushing into her skin. When she opened her eyes, she was shocked to find that her friends, Dahyun, Chaeyoung and Tzuyu along with Nayeon's friend, Momo, Jihyo, Mina and even Sana were all standing around her bed. Apparently, Sana wasn't trying to flirt with Jeongyeon and she had made it clear to both of the girls and Nayeon couldn't be happier of the confirmation.

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