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I came home after school to my two sisters yelling at each other about some boy that they like. They both hate the fact that they're identical twins and he likes both of them. Well its not my problem, the only problem I have to deal with is why I can't read Farrah. I want to get to know her, and everything else that has been happening in her house. I could have already known what she was thinking about in class when I saw her eyes water up earlier. It might be good for me that I can't read her but I am seriously going through withdrawals at this point. Around eight-thirty I was doing my Science homework when I finally got a text from her.

Gael can you please meet me at the park by the Walmart? Its urgent...

I'm not quite sure if that was the text I was expecting but I guess it still works. I slipped on my shoes and put on my jacket before I saw my older brother downstairs. He usually keeps track on what I'm doing when mom's gone but he seemed too busy on Facebook today. Quietly, I walked down the stairs and walked toward the door. Once I got outside I started walking to the park. Although I could have driven, the park was right down the street from my house so I just decided to walk.

I got to the park and saw Farrah on the bench next to the swings, she had her legs crossed and was wearing an oversized sweater with jogger sweats.

"Farrah? Are you okay?" I asked, she didnt respond. I started jogging over to her until I reached the bench.

"Are you okay?" She looked up at me with her eyes watering.

"I'm fine, I just need someone with me right now." She responded. I was really new with all of this and I'm not completely sure what's going on but I think being there for her is all she needs for now. Even without me knowing every single detail I can still help her.

"Well I'm here, can you tell me what happened?" She brought her legs up to her chest and held them there sitting. It seems like she is always in that position when I'm with her, but then again it was freezing cold outside. I scooted a little bit closer to her as an act to give her a little warmth.

"Just, I don't know. My dad is a complete asshole, not only does he let my step-family harrass me, he also let's them go through all of my shit without hesitation. Yeah I know he's my dad and he can do anything he wants with my stuff but he has no right to find something of mine and then tell everyone else in the whole damn family. I'm so done with all of their shit I just want to leave this place...."

I kept looking at her as she continued talking about what had happened. Trying to read her, still nothing. Yet, even without reading her, I can tell that she had definitely been through a lot in her lifetime. Not only losing her mom, but also having this terrible relationship with her dad and step-family. I'm trying to give her company and help her with the situation that she's in but I can't relate to what's happening with her. I've never been good with helping others even if I knew what they wanted, after she got done explaining to me what happened she layed her head on my shoulder and moved closer to me. She was extremely warm although the temerature was dropping as it got darker outside. She looked up at me and smiled,

"Why are you even here? I'm probably the most complicated person to talk to in the world yet you're still here listening to me rant about my life. Why?" Honestly I don't know why I'm here. Getting to sit next to an extremely beautiful girl is an advantage, but helping her stay sane is another. If this were any other person I probably would not be out in 20 degree weather listening to them talk, not that I would have to anyway. I'm not sure what it is about her that is making me do this, but the connection is strong. Not like a girlfriend strong but a best friend strong, hell I don't even know what I'm talking about anymore.

"Maybe I like complicated, it keeps some excitement in my life. There hasn't really been much anymore, plus I enjoy listening to people talk. I'd like to have people talk to me rather than have me listen to myself." She looked back down at her knees and motioned to sit up. I stood up with her and we started walking around the playground in front of us.

"This is where my mom would take me for lunch every Saturday during the summer. She would pack some sandwiches, fruit, and canned lemonade for us. I brought the same blanket we used for just about everything we did. Drive-ins, making forts, camping outside in our backyard, telling scary stories in my closet. It was great when she was still around." Farrah always seemed happier when she spoke of her mother. The only things I can remember doing with my dad was going to the dinosaur museum a few times a year. Digging up bones, looking at replicas of the jurrasic creatures, Fun.

"It's nice you still remember all of that." She swung aroung the pole and looked at me.

"I try to remember everything that my mom and I did before she left. It makes me happy when I think of her, so when I start over-thinking about the situation with my family I just think of the hill we sat on eating sandwiches and drinking lemonade." She moved toward the slide and sat on the edge of it. I looked at my phone and it was almost nine o'clock.

"Do you always come here when you're angry? Because this is where you guys came all the time?"

"Yeah, it's a lot nicer when it's daytime and more than 30 degrees out though." I gave a little smirk and walked over to her. Even in the dark her bright green eyes lit up in the streetlights, she was so beautiful, so amazing, so...vulnerable. She needs someone by her side through all of this, I want to help her the best I can to make her a stronger person.

"It's getting late, my brother is probably wondering where I am. If you want to come you can-I mean, so you don't have to back there." She smiled and stood up off of the slide.

"It's fine, I was planning on going to my grandma's anyway. Plus I kinda want to keep my virginity as long as I can." She winked at me and started walking toward me. I gave her a slight nudge on the arm, "You know that's not what I meant Farrah." She gave a slight chuckle and lead me to her grandma's house. The lights were still on as we approached it. We got to the door and Farrah knocked, a not too old woman opened the door and hugged her to what seemed very tightly.

"Farrah! What are you doing out this dark? Are you okay? What's wrong?" she questioned. Farrah released and smiled,"I'm fine grandma, Gael and I were just at the park down the street." Her grandmother looked at me and smiled. She took her hand out toward me, I could read her.

Maybe a new boyfriend? No, just a friend. Very handsome though, I wouldn't be suprised if he became her boyfriend.

"Hello Gael, I'm Farrah's grandma, as you can see. New friend of hers?" I reached out my hand and shook hers,"Yes ma'am, I thought maybe she could use someone to talk to besides herself." Farrah elbowed me in the arm,"Whatever Gael, come inside." she said. I entered the very large home and looked around. It was a really nice place, high ceilings, hardwood floors, granite kitchen tops, really amazing. Farrah led me to her bedroom that she stays in at the house, it looks like she lives there with all of the posters and everything hung up.

"Do you stay here often?" I asked. She took off her shoes and plopped herself on the bed behind her," Yup, most of the time I'm here. Unless I need something from the other house them I'll grab it from there and bring it here." I looked around her room seeing a ton of band posters and lights hung up on her walls. I looked at her and smiled, "I like it." Her room was a mess, I can't blame her though, mine's just as bad. She had a desk with a mirror in front of it along with a laptop, makeup, a hair srtaightener, and a coffee mug. I laughed a little and looked at her again, "I think you're the defintion of a tumblr girl Farrah." She looked at me, then around her room, and then at me again. "I guess you could say that." She smiled and sat up, "I've just got this thing for being trendy I guess, you know, because everyone listens to screamo now-adays." I laughed and sat next to her.

"I've gotta go, but I'll see you tomorrow? It's Friday. Maybe we could do something fun?" She smiled and pushed me off of the bed." Sounds good to me." She stood up and gave me a hug," Oh, and thanks again, you know. For being there, see you tomorrow," She let go and I walked towards her door," Like I said, I'm here." I left and walked down the stairs to the front door. All the lights in the house were now off so I did my best to leave quietly.

Good thing she only lives about a block away from my house or else I probably would have gotten frostbite. Once I got to my house I opened the door and thankfully no one was awake to hear me. I went to my room and got in my bed pulling blankets over my body. I looked at my clock reading the time at ten-fifteen o'clock. I didn't think I was out for that long, also suprised that no one noticed I was gone. I turned my alarm on and closed my eyes listening to the thoughts only in my head.

                                                                What am I going to do?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 21, 2015 ⏰

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