Unbroken - Chapter 1

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Thankyou honey for the beautiful trailer ; its so beautiful :)

"Macy..." his low voice whispered, sending shivers down my spine as his hand caressed my cheek. I let the wind blow through my red hair, all while my eyes were shut tight. With him I could forget about my worries - nothing mattered, nothing at all. Just him and me, I let my eyelids flutter open to take in his handsome face, blonde shaggy hair and gorgeous brown eyes.

But what I saw was nothing like what I expected. I pushed him away, "Your not Aaron!" I gave him an accisating stare - he simply chuckled, his dark hair nicely styled and piercing blue eyes watching me with a hint of humour. "Your right - I'm not, I'm much better."

My eyes flew open, I could feel my heart banging against my cage, heat and sweat prickling my skin.

"Blaze..." I let the words leave my mouth, a name to the face. He was in my dream, I had never even talked to the guy before.

I shook the puzzling dream from my mind, quickly pushing myself up from the bed. I grabbed the closests items of clothing too me, which turned out to be my skinny jeans and ACDC t shirt. I hobbled down the stairs while attempting to get dress - thanks to that weird dream I was going to be late.

I couldn't be late - no way could I be late for my own 2 year anniversary. I passed the picture of Aaron and me posing outside our house. A smile slowly grew on my lips, "I can't believe it's been two years..." And mumbled to myself before I remembered that I was late and rushed out the front door, skateboard in hand, rushing to get to school.


Arriving at school, I was still pretty excited about Aaron and I's 2 year anniversary. He was the school's star quarterback, smart, caring, funny, incredibly hot and every girl wanted him. I wonder how a skater chick like me got him...

I was walking up the steps to the main building when Chloe came running down crashing right into me. She pulled me into a tight hug, "Hey."

"Do you mind if we go to the library I've got to print out something before class?" her voice was an octave higher than usual...

"Yea, sure but after I see Aaron."

"Macy, please come on." Chloe urged.

Why was she acting weird...

Selena came out next, linking her arm in mine "Come on," she tugged.

"What's going on?" I raised my eyebrow at them. They knew this was my day why were they trying to ruin it? The very thought was bugging. I shrugged them off, making my way up the steps. Right now i wasnt in the mood for anyone, just Aaron.

"Sorry Macy," Selena whispered from behind me.

What was she sorry for?

Then I saw it, Aaron had his arm around some blonde bimbos waist, their lips were locked. She was sucking off his face like there was no tomorrow.

I felt my heart, right then shatter into a million pieces... My jaw had dropped to the floor, all I could do was gape at them.

"You don't need that prick," Chloe quietly said, trying to get me to move. I brushed off her hand, and slowly moved towards Aaron. I stood right in front of him but he was too busy thinking about how many positions he could do her to even notice me.

"Aaron," I said, but it came out more of a whisper.

He slowly turned his head, letting go of the blonde's mouth. His eyes slightly widened in surprise at the sight of me.

"Ur, hey Mace. Did you get my text message this morning?" Aaron awkwardly shifted. If looks could kill, the boy would be dead on the floor. I gritted my teeth before answering him.

"No..." I glared at the blonde girl attached to him, what did she have that I don't? I thought Aaron was the one. That we were going to grow old together, get married, have kids. I was delusional - i finally see he was just another scum.

"Well, I'm sorry but we're... over," sincerity was the last thing in his voice, the boy i once loved watched me slowly break down. But i refused to let him see me cry.

"I can see that," I glared at the slut then at Aaron.

"No hard feelings?" Aaron let go of her waist thrusting his hand in front of me. I glared at him, was he serious? I knocked it away, "Today was our 2 year anniversary."

I saw a trace of guiltiness flash in his eyes , "Shit, Mace I didn't mean to..." he shuffled his feet to stand closer to me, I quickly backed away as if he was on fire. I let out a laugh which seemed to startle him, "Oh no hun - Happy two year anniversary - best present ever!" I turned to walk away from him but he grabbed my hand pulling me back.

"Mace, can we please talk. You dont understand..."

I cut him off mid sentence, "Save it for someone who gives a @#^$--" Right when I swore the bell sounded signalling the start of class. I could see people watching and whispering, holding back my tears I tried to hold my head up high.

"Mace!" I heard Aaron called; I swiveled around on my heels. "Have fun getting STD's TOGETHER!," I shouted back at him. And with that I walked away from him, the only guy who could make me cry, laugh and smile all at the same time. I never wanted to see Aaron again.

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