The Perfect Jerk - Chapter 8

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A/N: Hehe so chapter 8. its been awhile since ive updated - so thankyou for waiting. YAY ive reached 1000 reads on this :) Im so grateful, so thank anyone who reads this. CHECK OUT MY AMAZING COVER BTW by Agentcheesecake

Chapter 8

I slammed my room door shut, and fell backwards onto my bed with a big grin on my face. Sure I didn’t like Blaze, but I did like his kiss. Ulgh what am I saying, I must be delusional.  I turned over, shoving my face into my pillow.

I had a warm feeling over my body; it was spreading like wild fire so I decided to change into short denim jeans and a pink tank top with a frilly hem attached. I hated that tank top that my aunty had gotten me for Christmas but all of my others were in the wash.

I pulled my hair into a ponytail and plugged my iphone into my dock and turned the music to full volume. No one was home and I needed to clear my head from today. Katy Perry blasted from the speakers, my foot started tapping against the wooden board.

After a few seconds my whole body was swinging to the beat, I jumped up onto the bed, lip-syncing to the song through my hair brush. One of bangs fell into my eyes; I blew it out of my face. My foot lost my balance and I went tumbling down onto the floor.

The bang fell in my face again; I blew it away again in annoyance. There was repetitive tapping noise, I got up from the floor, making sure to turn off my music and listen carefully. It came back again, my head turn to look out the window.

I jumped back in surprise to see Blaze tapping on his window with his knuckles; I knotted my eyebrows at him. He simply shrugged than mouthed, “Hold on.” I flung the window open to hear what he was going to say but he walked away, What???

I was about to slam the window shut and walk away when I saw Blaze’s pure black hair. He was standing pressed against the window holding a sheet of paper with something scribble in permanent marker on it. I blinked a few times, trying to read the words messily scrawled.

Nice dancing… if that was what you were even doing. Oh and by the way you should wear that more often ;)

I choked on what seemed to be nothing but air, he had seen me dancing and me falling on my arse… oh god -.-

I was about to grab a piece of paper of my study desk when I remembered something. I sharply turned my head towards the window again to see Blaze smirking while he was staring at something.

It wasn’t my face… something much lower, I remembered his note by the way, you should wear that more often ;) I looked down at me revealing shorts and tank top, and then back at Blaze’s jerk of a face. I felt my cheeks felt like they were on fire and my heart beat faster.

I shoved the curtains shut, made a beeline for my bed. Once I reached the comfort of its lacy covers, I snuggled my face deep into the pillow. I drifted off to sleep thinking; Blaze is the only one who can make my heart beat race and my cheeks red… the only one…


I woke up to a persistent nagging voice of my 7 yr old sister, Felicity. “Mace! Wake up, Mom says were going for dinner, so get ready.”

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