the dreamer

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   this is a dream come true. the touch of his cheek against my fingertips. soft at first, then rough as my fingers reach the light stubble of hair that runs against his jawline. i trace his well defined pink lips. they are chapped, yet still so delicate. my hands find his hair, so thick and beautifully brown. the feeling of his warm hands cupping my face, as i look deep into his brown eyes drowning in the love i find there. i could stare into them for an eternity. within them i see my life. past, present, and future. i see shadows dancing against brick walls, fields of green grass that never seem to end, clouds of smoke drifting up into the stars. i taste the warm bitterness of coffee on a cool morning, the sweetness of honey, the salt of the earth. i hear the whisper of the wind, a wistful melody of piano keys being tapped, the heart wrenching sound of a dreamer longing to be heard. this is just a dream.
   the coldness of the window pane against my cheek snaps me back to reality. here, there is no soft skin under my fingertips, no warm hands to embrace me, and no brown eyes to get lost in. here, there is only me. here, my fingertips only feel the wet skin on my own cheeks as they wipe the tears away. the only hands here are mine, cold and empty. here, there are only my eyes. clouded from tears, they can see only the distorted street lights in the darkness. i can only hear the sound of silence as it fills my head to the brim. here, i can only taste the blood from my bitten lips. here is reality.
     alone in this purgatory i reside, i search for the dreamer. so long they have evaded my grasp. just when i think my hands have clasped around them, they disappear again. now, i realize all i must do to reach them is to call out. for we are both beings birthed from the same thought. both longing to be heard, to be seen, to be understood. once, the dreamer was a representation of infinite love and peace only seen within the eyes of my lover, has now taken the shape of my loneliness. i have now gained the insight to see what we must do. the dreamer and i must merge our beings. our separate physical vessels. our souls and spirits. every piece of our individuality must mesh together. to escape the vast abyss of my own reality and reach my heaven, i must become the dreamer.

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