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It was the same place ever night. Every time he would dream he would be back at the same place...inside a chamber with dark grey walls almost black. And from there it began the wave of light rushing in from down the hall and that was the signal that always was consistent in his dreams.

"Cory!!! Cory!!!"
Cory could hear the voice calling for him inside the light wave. Today it was red it changed color ever now and then. but he never stayed to ponder over the color change or to answer the disembodied voice for as usual he was running from it. Feeling as if he was one with the wind, cory sprinted down the hall and didn't dare look back, giving his all to not get swallowed up in the endless wave of light splashing towards him. His dreams weren't always like this most of the time he had pleasant dreams. Dreams of hanging out at the beach or eating giant doughnuts with sprinkles and ice cream or even some were he was dating a girl, those dreams gave him mixed feelings about some of his female friends.
However he learned not to focus on who his dream lover is in reality but rather where and why was he in a chamber running from light!! The thing that everyone loves. But cory didn't fear the light but what was in it. The voices which called him always jogged his memories because each night it would change. First it was a young women and then it was a little boy the night after that a granny and after that? His tutor!!! However one thing always stayed the same after he would ignore the voices and continue
Running what ever voice that would calk for him would then slowly start to change into a mans voice that shout his name almost as if it were commanding him to stop...

Cory!!! Cory!!! CCCCOOORRRYYY!!!the voice shrieked. Each shout the wave of light a pulse of light almost as if the voice was powering it. The first few nights were it happened the voice was a red flag from the get go but he didn't mind it as much. After awhile however it became clear that that what ever was calling for him. Craving him.

"CORY!!!CORY!!!CORY!!!" It was now a demonic chant! The wave now picking up speed and glowing ever so brighter.

"Aaaaaaah!!! Leave me alone!!!" Cory cried as he threw his hands over his ears. This was to much. The waves usually began to glow as it got faster but the voice never got louder, more demanding, then usual. Something was wrong on and cory knew it.
    "Keep running. Just keep running". Cory thought to himself. This will all be over soon. "Just like normal you eventually get swallowed up by the light and boom you'll be awake in your bed". However even though he was telling himself this he knew something was different. The wave of light always moved like...well a wave but tonight that wasn't the case. In this very moment it felt like the light was TRYING to reach him, to swallow him whole in its sweet embrace.
The light was gaining on him. Cory finally looked back and then finally closing his eyes and holding his breath the light completely washed over him.
Cory was right to be worried any other night he would have wakened up by now lying in his mattress flabbergasted by what he dreamt but tonight he was still dreaming after the checkout point. As cory looked around he saw that he was in a stream of light flowing endlessly all around him...
    So this is the inside huh? Cory thought. He always was scared to see what lied behind the flowing wall of light but now that he did he was kinda relieved. He let out his breath and breathed in the light... It Felt warm and cozy like a blanket yet when he breathed it in it...was cool like air in the spring. This was to real to be a dream. The air, the light, his beating heart it all felt to real to be a dream. He thought he knew better but after going past the docking mark he wasn't so sure about anything any more.
Just then a ball of light Fluttered towards him it had a feint red glow to it. He hesitated at first but very slowly cory lifted his hands towards the ball of light. As it touched his dark skin he could feel his chest start to warm up.      
   "This is nice" he thought. Then, Almost as if he did this before, cory opened his arms and the red ball of light floated right into his chest right were he felt warm from earlier and with that the area were the ball had entered began to slowly glow red as well. Each beat of his own heart made it glow even brighter. Why was it that the ball of light entered him felt...different then the light around him however Cory didn't get to ponder much before He began to to close his eyes as he started to feel drowsy...
"Is it even possible to feel tired in a dream"? He thought to himself as he started to float up from were he was standing and slowly drifted along with the stream of light around him. Not becoming one with the the ever flowing current of light but going along with it. As he started to drift off cory started to feel something...
Anger, sadness, fear, and loneliness. Emotions he was well familiar with. The source of these feelings came from within him but not from himself it came from the light that cory let  into himself, which glowed softly. Cory's eye were having troubles staying open and his mind was being swept along with the current of light. He could only get a single thought across his mind before falling victim to sleep...

"Why does the warmth from the inside feel so bittersweet"?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 21, 2020 ⏰

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