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Aiden's p.o.v.

My mom pulls up to our brand new house. It isn't as big as she described it. The door a bright shade of red and the windows had dark red covered shades.

My mom stops the car on the rode so she can let the moving truck in to the driveway. It wasn't big since it was only my mom, my brother jack , and I. pretty boring. "Aiden , hop out so you can lock to door" my mom said. I open the door and bend over to quickly gather my phone, earbuds, and book. As I back up I bump into someone.

"whoops I'm so sorry I wasn't looking" I say as I turn around. I look up to see a blonde boy with a quiff. wow .
He was wearing a blue plaid shirt with a plain white shirt underneath and black skinnies with rips in the knees. I look up at him seeing him smirking.
" you done looking? cause I have I go somewhere" he said really rude with a hint of annoyance. I feel my cheeks heat up, I can't believe I was looking for so long. " umm sorry" I put my head down in shame. I close the car door and start to walk away until I feel a hand on my wrist then pulling me back.
"just to let you know my band plays in my garage and I don't want you to complain so if you don't mind just ignoring us." he points to the house beside my house. Great I moved to a small town called Greenwood. Leave my friends and boyfriend behind. Well ex-boyfriend. All because of this move He dumped me. He doesn't agree with a long distance relationship and neither do I , but I really liked him. But now I live beside a boy who has band practise in his garage.

I wiggle out of his grip and nod my head. I walk up towards the door and walk in. The movers coming in and out. I see a guy carrying a box labeled 'Aiden's room' I walk up to the man.

"excuse me, I can take that" I say with a smile. he smiled and nodded. I grab the box and the guy walks out. Each step you can hear his big boots on the wooden floor.

"Wowwww this house is so nice" I look to my left and see a couch. That's obviously the living room. I look to my right and see a table with a couple chairs around it. Dining room, duhh. The stairs are straight ahead and a hall probably to the kitchen on the right of them.
I walk up the stairs and first room on the left has tape and a label marked with a sharpie. It says "jacks room" I keep walking and see another door on the right an the label saying 'Aidens room' .sweet, I turn the handle and see a small room. My bed is already set up against the close wall on the left and my dresser on the far wall on the left of the window. I walk towards my dresser and place the box on top of it. I look around my bare room and see I'm still missing my tv and tv stand, desk and another box filled with my picture frames and DVDs.

I sit down on my comfy bed and pulled my teddy bear onto my chest. someone knocked on my door. " come in" I say sitting up and I see jack come in. "mom said she has school supplies in this box" he walks in a places the box at the edge of my bed. I pull the box towards me. I see a note saying ' hey aiden you are starting school on Monday (today's Saturday) I have some supplies that u can start off with. If you need anything else we can go to the store. love you ~mom' I put the note down and grab 2 binders out. one is pink the other is blue. I find a packet of pencils and a small packet of mechanical pencils. I hate those, either they don't work or always break!! I put them to the side and I find a pink eraser. I pull out some pens. hmm, I might need some other stuff like papers.

I look up shocked to see jack still here. he's sitting at the edge of my bed. He smiles.
" who's that guy you were talking to outside?" he asked. " some smart ass"
I reply. he nods obviously agreeing with me. " I don't like him, to tall" he simply says. I laugh out loud.

I pick up my box and bring it towards my dresser. I start to walk back towards my bed when I hear a banging noise.

Drums. Soon I hear guitar play. I hear singing. I look out my window and I can see through the window. barely, I can only see 3 pairs of feet and a but if a drum kit. Jack comes to look out with me. Bobbing his head to the beat. The music stops and someone approaches the window if the garage. I panic not wanting to be caught. Jack and I pop our heads just slightly to see the window. I see the guy I was talking to trying to close the open window. "He lives beside us?!! ew" jack saids. I laugh trying not to be to loud. I watch as he gets frustrated. He scrunches up his nose and he looks like a hamster. "he looks like a stupid asshole hamster" jack says as if he reads my mind. I end up laughing out loud and I see the neighbour shot his head in out direction. I duck my head, but jack stays up. I try pulling him down. "You're not so strong, smart ass neighbour" I gasp as I soon bring up my head. I replay his words in my head. ' smart ass neighbour' jack your so stupid. I nudge his arm. The 'smart ass neighbour' yells back " my names luke dumb ass, and I'm defiantly stronger than you" luke says, he looks at his arms. He waves his hand before he pulls the window down. Jack walks over to my bed but I kick him out. I lay down on my bed and put my earbuds in and listen to some nirvana. There really good.


just saying jack is 14 years old.

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