Chapter 5. New Years Eve

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The last day of December was the day the sisters had a bad day of mishaps happening to each of them in one day leading up into the expected elegant evening. It began with the girls finding out what to wear at the ball for tonight's New Years Eve party that Marmee explained before. It was a long month's planning from the Hartley Family. The four of them were deciding on wearing the same dresses they wore for Christmas Day or for their nightly evening events. Meg was sitting patiently in her stool waiting for her hair to be done curling by Jo, shaking nervously over trying to make it a perfect ringlet.

"Are you stuck thinking of the Laurence boy?" Meg asked.

"Laurie? No. Why do think such things?" Jo wondered. The two hot tongs warmed her fingers up turning them pink. She had him in her mind all week after meeting him at the ball. His perfectly solid ebony eyes that reads through her like the book she reads, his  straight caramel hair that was met to the top of his head with the line of hair that swings across his forehead and his whiten teeth when he smiles reminds her of Thomas Ryder.

She slaps her head when she starts to have the thoughts of Laurie or "Teddy" on her mind. Her heart belongs to Thomas Ryder and she knows it. Amy is the only sister that understands the love she has for him, and no one is to take his place.

"You know what I mean, Josephine. You're quiet, you focus on your work, every time we would pass by his house, you either move along side of me so you wouldn't see his face upon the window," Meg observed. She teased her into knowing that she likes Laurie and making Jo feel blemished.

"Pulling a laughing bone? I have no interest into loving Laurie. He is rich, yes, he and his family are always welcoming, the best thing about Laurie I like is just his eyes and nothing else," Jo corrected.

Meg didn't believed one word of it. It was her dream to love someone who will be deem worthy for herself, but Jo was the one who wants to see the world. Beth and Amy walked in without knocking into their well dressed ball gowns. Amy was content that she gets to go to another party with her sisters. But it was Marmee's idea to have them stay together. Jo hated it now and blames Amy for it. "Who do you think will be there?" Beth wondered, looking at the ceiling.

There was no answer to her question. Amy ponders through the wooden chest of their belongings, moving across Jo's manuscript and Beth's doll, she finds her small box of hair ribbons. Each of them were divided into separate colors of what Amy claims was hard work for her to get done. It was her most valuable possession than her art book and her paints.

"I hope it is that handsome William Danforth expected to be there. Oh, girls, you should have seen him when he first met my eyes on me," Amy smiled. Her face lit up with glee that she froze her grin throughout the time to change. She was dressed in an emerald and golden sheath and her hair in a long ponytail up.

"You know, Louis had his eyes on you the whole night, Beth. And I have to say I fancy that. Those Danforth boys were well proportioned and they are rich. Meg, who was that fellow you were dancing with that night?"

The fellow she was dancing with while at the previous party with dark sandy hair that lay separate from each other with a pointed noise that reached outwards of a yardstick in a tasteful suit attire was the colonel from the front. He was told to stay in town and find work until needed.

"John Brooks. He is supposed to be a tutor in town. He had moved in a week ago and had struggles trying to find a new job to tutor. He was so delightful and charming. From what I know he owns a stable full of horses that his father inherited before he died."

Amy's excitement took over her the whole day for this special event. She had hoped that father would come back in time for New Years to cherish her and her family for another year of living. The world around her was full of her imagination and the life she had dreamed of was beginning to slowly erect with her elegant looks but simple dresses. She was close to change her mind of not going to the New Years Eve Ball. All of the dresses she had in the closet was filled with the same dresses that she would wear. It frustrated her that she would have to wear the same dresses she has worn and wash over and over the same week with nothing new in their lives.

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