Chapter 1: Introduction

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Team Rainbow is a counter-terrorism unit that houses operators from all over the globe. They all live and train within Six HQ and most of them have been there for a long time. Operators within Six have been recruited from other organizations all over the world, and that's how the operators are grouped. Keeping company with those you can relate to is known to help people succeed and overcome adversity, but by no means do these groups work alone. Whether it's during training sessions or life-threatening operations, operators from all units commonly collaborate and work together. Even outside of work, Six focuses a lot on building relationships between operators by housing everyone within the HQ. In addition to housing, Six offers many facilities to the operators for working out or playing sports together. All of this is founded on the beliefs of Dr. Harishva "Harry" Pandey, the current director of Rainbow. Harry once said during a meeting that "Diversity is only skin deep. Nothing separates us from one another except our decisions we make everyday." And he keeps this idea very close to heart.

The operators of Rainbow live a very prestigious life at HQ. Each operator has access to their own comfortable apartment in the living quarters, unlimited gourmet food in the dining hall, and state-of-the-art training and recreation facilities. All provided for every operator in Team Rainbow. While the training can get tough and the missions leave some with long lasting cases of PTSD, every operator in Six loves their job and is proud to be apart of Team Rainbow. At least this is the case for any operator currently on the team, as several have come and gone after a short-lived career with Team Rainbow. Most people can't handle working on the most elite team on the planet.

One operator that has been around for a while is Marius Streicher, otherwise known as Jager. Jager is a member of the German unit GSG 9. Lying awake in his bed at night unable to sleep, he reminisces over his early days on the job. As he had already spoken to Harry about what it would be life working at Six, but his first day still caught him off-guard.

Harry had told Jager that joining Six would make his work life much easier, saying that work here would be nothing compared to his previous training. Jager tried his best to believe the man that was basically his new boss, but he had his doubts. As he got off the bus stop near HQ, he starting feeling nervous. He was very successful while working at GSG 9, but the experience as a whole was not something he wanted to replicate here. Nobody had liked him there. Early into his position he had made some friends pretty easily, given his outgoing and personality and good sense of humor. These friends he made had caused him to feel welcome in his unit, and he felt as though they really cared about him. That was until he told one of his closer friends learned more about him. It was during a game of 21 questions that his roommate Karl asked him "Marius, I haven't seen you talking much with the ladies here. Got a girl back home?"

"No." replied Jager. "I don't really like girls that much."

Karl: "What do you mean"

Jager: "I don't really know. I've just never really seen anything in women for most of life. All my experiences with him haven't gone very well."

"Are you saying you like boys?" said his roommate jokingly.

"I guess so." replied Jager. "That's actually what I wanted to talk to you about."

Karl: "Wait. You're kidding right?"

Jager: "No, I really do like guys. I probably have my whole life but I was too scared to ever tell my parents or any of my childhood friends. I was always scared that they wouldn't like me anymore. You're the first person I've ever told, and its only because I really like you Karl. I don't know how you feel about guys but I've never dated on either and I'd love to share this experience with you."

Karl: "What the hell Marius! Do you really think I'm some faggot like you? You're disgusting! Get the fuck out of here!"

Jager ran out the room sobbing after being yelled at by his best friend. He was so upset that just kept running and running till he collapsed in the forest and passed out.

Author's Note: Hey guys thanks for reading the first thing iv'e ever written :) I going to try and to put out chapters around this size minimum twice a week, hopefully more. Also I refuse to be someone who stops updating without finishing the story. If you have any suggestions leave them in the comments :)

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