Its been a year since the re opening of the spring time restaurant its doing well in business. People love to come in as they once did before it got shut down. Now all they need is a night guard. Hopefully they don't die as one once did along time ago. At the main door the owner puts a letter up saying
HELP WANTED: Spring Time fun house. A night guard is needed for £120 a week.
Time has passed and a man sees the letter. "Oh no. Not again" says the man walking into the building. "Hey sir we are closed im sorry." says the owner. "Im here for the job as the night guard." says the man. "Oh okay ill show u around and where you will be" says the owner." An hour later the guard goes and sits down in the office getting ready for his first say at work. "Okay the cameras are the same. Have they found the room yet?" says the guard walking to the stage. Behind it is a steel door. The guard does a code on it and the door scrapes off the floor making a long screech like a person rubbing chalk across a black bored. He turns on the lights and on the floor a robot was laying there with no emotion. It was golden bunny. "Oh thank god your still here." says the guard The man looks around the room and then stops to a sound coming from the party room. He freezes as sweat crawls of his chin. He slowly turns around to a person standing there with a knife. " came back" says the man twitching and having a smile on his face looking straight into the guards eyes. "I told u to stop this madness" says the guard. The man drops the knife and drops to the ground as a robot bear is behind him pulling the mans spine out off him. The bear rips off the mans skin but with bits off flesh still stuck to him. The bear walks closer "Why would I stop. Im stuck as this bear for life. Im gonna have fun for the rest of my life." says the bear in a deep croaky voice.
"I have no part of this anymore u hear me. I GAVE UP" says the guard as the bear walks towards him. "HEY STOP. You know me. I made u. U died and I brought u back. What is it you want from me." says the guard walking towards the door. "I WANT YOU DEAD" says the bear running towards him. The guard runs out the room locking the bear in the room. The bear starts making sounds activating all the robots. They all start walking towards him. The guard runs into the kitchen hiding under a table. Its been an hour since he went in there. He slowly crawls out. The guard stands up shaking. Behind him are blood thirsty eyes. "YOU SHOULDNT BE IN HERE" says a deep deep voice as it puts a golden paw on his shoulder.
HorreurA security guard in a restaurant finds him self in a death trap. He has to use his skills to survive and escape from the hands of his past.