5.5K 131 84

Hello everyone.

Please don't kill me. (*is hiding behind Tsukishima*)

Alright? Alright. Good morning, good afternoon, good evening, good whatever everyone. It's your hiatus girl, once_upon_a_weeb. Before I start my announcement, I'd like to apologise. Deeply. No jokes. I am so, so, so sorry for leaving this book hanging. I haven't updated for like a year and a half. Back then, I had been drowning with schoolworks. And then I got hit by a major writer's block. I couldn't find the will to continue anymore back then. And then I fell in love with a K-pop group named Seventeen (y'all should stan them), which lead to me er, leaving the anime fandom.

I am so, so sorry.

However! I have been sucked into the anime fandom once again (y'all should thank bnha for that). I'm currently rewatching Haikyuu. Oh my lord, I have no idea why I left my boys, I love them so much. And so, I gathered my courage and checked Gravity. God, do you all know how much I cried earlier? I was still crying when I started writing this author's note. 50k reads and 1k votes. I- I can't express how thankful I am for your support. To think that a book that isn't even well-written, reached 50k reads? Thank you so much. Seriously. This means so much to me.

Anyways! Let's proceed with the announcement.

I started writing Gravity when I was only 13 (I'm turning 16 now btw). Recently, I reread Gravity. And lmao I thought, holy shit I suck HAHAHAHA. Anyway, honestly, I liked some parts of this book, but I know I can write something better.

And so!

I have decided to rewrite Gravity. Not really a complete rewrite, but Gravity will undergo a very thorough editing. I'd really like to change some things, and those things might be major. Don't worry though! Gravity will always be Gravity. I might tweak Aino's personality a little but Aino is still Aino, Tetsurou is still Tetsurou, Tsukki is still Tsukki, and so on. The plot won't change. Once I finish editing, I will continue to update new chapters.

Once again, thank you so much for supporting this book. You have no idea how much your comments and messages on my wall made my night (I plan to reply to your comments later on, if Wattpad won't lag shit). Thank you so much for waiting. I promise to provide you all the best content I can make. Please continue to support Tsukki and Aino's journey. Thank you so much!!! I love you all so much.

Oh, and special mention to my best friend slash non-biological twin sister Bungaku-Nerd because she never stopped pestering me about updating Grav. Thank you and ily.

See you soon everyone!!

- Reign

(Quick Edit: i accept constructive criticisms but pls go easy on me. i'm reading all the comments in the book and some of yall are rly intimidating when stating criticisms ;-; my poor heart can't take it. anyways, most comments made me laugh so hard lmao i love yall. thank you for making my night. i may not finish replying to comments tonight but i'll continue tomorrow. ty!)

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 19, 2020 ⏰

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