Birth to age 1~
The moment I was born, like all gods, Nyx,the godess of night, my mother gave me to my mortal Dad. But, he left me, the moment my mother left, he put me in a stroller and put the stroller in the playground. I wasn't even one! Then Nyx came, and she had no choice but to take me in and care for me.5 to 10 years old~
I while after I turned 5, Nyx decided to give me to my Aunt, Uncle, and my two cousins -Lilith and Lilac- I started living with them and going to school with my cousins. I was bullied a lot at school, people called me a "freak" because of my powers. So I stopped going to school. But then, my powers got stronger, I was sometimes hurting people around me without realizing it, so at age 10 Nyx had to take me back and raise me again. She started training me on how to use my powers, little did she know I was getting stronger everyday.15 years old~
One day, when I was taking a walk in the city I saw this man, he looked exactly like the photo that Nyx showed me when I begged her to show me what my Dad looked like...a million thoughts went through my head but the one thought that went through my head over and over again was "could this be my dad?" I was suddenly overwhelmed with rage, before I can stop myself, or even know what I was doing I created a dagger out of shadows and lodged it in the middle of his throat. Pulling it out again and stabbing it in his stomach 10 times to get out all the hurt, grief, and frustration inside of me. I then left the body there and went home, just as I was about to open the door and go side I stopped myself, I didn't know if the man I killed was actually my father, what if he was just an innocent man? Even if he was what if Nyx still loves him and after all she's done for me this is how I pay her back? What if she hates me now? So I turned around and ran. I ran all the way to Lilith and Lilac's house, I was closer to Lilac then I was with Lilith so I asked her for help. She helped me stock up on food and even helped me find an abandoned house which I then moved into. I stole food from the local bakery and grocery shop to survive.Now-age 17~
Then one day, I met Thalia Grace,daughter of Zeus, I had just lodged a dagger made of shadows into a man-who was trying to break into my house- back. She looked at me, then glanced at the man. I glared at her and was about to tell her to fuck off, when she asked me to come with her, to go to this camp with her, so I did...and now my adventure Camp Half-Blood...
Theresa's Background Story
Short StoryIn this short story I will be telling you guys about my past, and how I ended up in Camp Half-Blood.