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Goodies and Parents




Placing the ice cream cone in the small tiny hands behind the counter, he smiled at the beaming face. The innocence radiating off the child reminded him of Leigh, and how excited she gets when eating ice cream.

He woke up from his little daydream as the mother of the little boy paid him. "Thank you, have a nice day." She said while going after her little boy, only getting a smile and a "You too miss." Before she was out the door.

His day went by normally. Reading up on the classes he was behind when the shop was empty and quiet. Helping small children with their goodies.

As his shift ended he made his way back to the campus. First visiting the library and giving back the book he had, and then making his way to his dorm.

Nathanael's roommate was nearly never around. Mostly because he traveled a lot. The curly-haired boy didn't know his roommate much, they didn't really talk. Only the occasional hey's and good morning's if the boy had slept in the dorm.

Ahmad, a middle eastern art enthusiast. He was a second-generation American, and his family supported him through all his dreams. That was truly all Nate knew about him. Only because that was the information the whole student body knew.

The boys had a lot in common when it came to their appearance. Both had tan skin, from their different ethnicities, curly hair and big brown orbs.

From about the little they talked and saw of each other, Nate knew he was a nice guy. From how he acted, to his protectiveness over the powerless students. His family had raised him good, which stood out amongst the stereotypical white jock males their school had a ton of.

Nathanael didn't know what he did about his school though. His best guess was that he did online classes as well as coming to the college.

Putting his bag down and changing his shirt, the curly-haired boy got ready to go out again. Looking at the mirror and fixing his hair, he noticed the pink sugary substance on his chin. He got disgusted for a second.

Had he walked all the way back to his dorm with the sticky matter on his face?

Taking a wipe and removing the ice cream from his face, he took a last check at himself. Making sure he has his phone, wallet, and keys he threw the wipe in the trash and opened his door.

Walking in a moderately fast pace he made his way to the infamous white building. He didn't have any exams coming up and his assignments were done.

It was still a bit until sunset and he wanted to see her before he ended his week.

The building would normally not be chaotic on the weekends, but today was an exception. It looked like there must have been an accident. There where people stressing, screaming and crying everywhere.

He got out of his slight daze when he saw a tall bulky man by the desk. Walking up to him, Nate noticed the man had finished talking to the lady at the desk.

"Mr. Auclair!"

The man turned around at the familiar voice. "Oh, Nathanael. I didn't think you would come today."

His accent making itself clear lightly through his deep voice.

"Yeah, I just hadn't much to do. So I just decided to visit. If it's okay with you of course?"

The young boy would lie if he said he wasn't scared of the man in front of him in the slightest. Most men wouldn't like their daughters having a friendship with a boy, but it seemed like the man didn't care that much.

Nathanael didn't know if it was because he gave off a good impression or because of the man's culture difference.

"No problem at all. She was really bored today. Finished the ice cream box you left the other day."

They walked towards the elevator as soon as possible to not be in the way of the many nurses running around.

"I actually came down here to see what the commotion was about." Mr. Auclair explained as he saw Nate's confused gaze settled at the entrance as the elevator doors closed.

"There was a big car accident on the main road. Many cars, many injured."

Nathanael let out an 'oh' as he shook his head in understanding.

They walked out of the elevator when the doors reopened. Walking slowly back to their destination.

"I'm really worried. She is the only family I have left, I can't lose her too." The distress in his deep voice made Nate look at him.

"It doesn't look like she's getting better. I just don't know what I could do to help."

The younger boy noticed the man's teary eyes. He opened his mouth to say something, anything to comfort the man, but nothing came out. They had stopped walking and just stared through the glass at the girl

"You don't have to say anything. The nurses try to comfort me the best they can, but I know that is what it is comfort words. I can see that she isn't getting better, and I hate just sitting on the sidelines, waiting to see when her end is going to be."

Brown orbs focused on the girl sitting on her bed reading. It was one of the books he had recommended her.

Nate had noticed how pale she was compared to the picture on her bedside table. No sign of her tan skin that she had inherited from her Brazilian mother. The only thing the girl had that resembled her father was her forest-green eyes.

The girl was also bilingual thanks to her father. He had taught her his own language, French, and a little bit of what he had learned of Spanish.

Both males stood outside the glass window staring at the peaceful girl.

Both males knew that their dreadful thoughts would soon turn to reality.

Both males were not ready to give up on her yet.

They were not ready to lose her.




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