Out to Lunch

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A/N: To all the people complaining about how they eat Pokémon, I literally got all the information here from Bulbapedia. I don't give a shit if you'd be a vegan in this universe or think they're eating their pets because the Pokémon lore doesn't give a shit either. For fuck's sake, you guys are the same people making sexual comments about Ash and Clemont and/or shipping real people unironically (i.e., the Dream SMP). Stop it. Get some help.

"Hey, there you are," said Meyer. "How do you like it?"

Ash, Bonnie, and Serena turned around and saw Clemont walk towards them in his new outfit, carrying Dedenne.

"I think I can get used to this," Clemont replied.

"Whoah, Clemont!" Bonnie gasped. "I don't think I've ever seen you wear something like that before!"

"He hasn't," Meyer told her. "I bought those for him while he was recovering."

Ash walked over to Clemont and carefully put his hand on Clemont's shoulder. "I think it's a great look for you."

Clemont smiled shyly. "Thanks, Ash."

Serena nodded. "Is he going to wear that at... what's it called again?"

"Le Creuset," said Meyer. "And yes."

"I should have brought better clothes to wear, then," Serena joked.

Everyone, including herself, laughed.


"It's been a while since we've been able to walk together," Serena reminisced. "Even if it's not on another adventure."

"I know, right? I miss having those, especially with you guys," Bonnie replied.

"Hey, maybe eating food from other regions could be considering an adventure," Ash offered.

Serena started laughing. "Yeah!"

"I don't think that was a joke," Bonnie told Serena.

She kept laughing. "I'm just happy to be able to hear Ash talk about food in-person again."

"I can talk about other things, guys, I swear," Ash joked.

The trio laughed and continued walking on the sidewalk, following Clemont and Meyer.

"You excited, Clemont?" Meyer asked.

Clemont nodded. "It feels nice to have something familiar happen after all of... that."

"That's the point," Meyer said. "I'm glad it's working, then."

"De ne!" Dedenne agreed.

The group soon arrived at Le Creuset.

"Well, it doesn't look like it's changed too much," Bonnie observed.

"This is just on the outside, though," Clemont reminded her. "Who knows what could have been changed on the inside?"

Meyer held open the door for them. "Well, you won't know unless you go in."

Serena nodded and walked in first.

Ash turned to Clemont. "Hey, can we sit next to each other?"

"O-Of course," Clemont answered. "I mean, if we can."

"Guys, come onnnn!" Bonnie groaned. "I'm starving!"

"Right, sorry," her brother apologized. The three of them, along with Pikachu, headed inside.


Bonnie gasped. "Vivienne? You still work here?"

An older woman dressed in a waitress uniform led the group to an available table. "Of course I do!" she replied. "I'm glad to be, or else I wouldn't be able to see how you've grown!" Vivienne looked at Ash and Serena. "And who are you two?"

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