chapter 2 🤴

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Prince Uzyimatsana was the heir to the throne of Tarana kingdom . It was one of the richest kingdom but also the weakest .The King was friendly to all kingdoms so he didn't bot about defense . The only time he got  into trouble with his neighbor he was helped by other kingdoms .

The Kingdom was always full of life unlike the Capron kingdom .People were free to do whatever they want . They were always smiling their stomachs were always full.There was no division of wealth as everyone owned their own gold mine which were located in their fields.

Prince Uzyimatsana unlike princess Cammel  wasn't required to show much perfection .He had so much freedom that most of his days were spent travelling ,seeing the wonders of nature as he was so much obsessed with it

He would smile to everyone , would wear whatever he wished. The only time he wore the  royal regalia was when he was required to attend speacial meetings with other kingdoms involved .

As much as he was spold ,born with a golden spoon he was also as handsome as noone else. The legend of his beauty had traveled the whole world . Woman swooned when he passed by. Many princess wished to be bethroted to him but too bad Uzyimatsana was too occupied to think about women .You may ask why he was too occupied but well  he was so childish that all he thought about was which country he was gonna visit next ,how much more treauses left to fill his treasure box.

Uzyimatsana's pov

"Father I don't think I will be able to attend that meeting ."  I tried to convince my father for the millionth time but he was buying it.This old man thinks he can change me but nah he was wasting his time. I was born the way I was and I won't change for anyone .

" Uzy you must understand that you are the heir to this throne . If you keep behaving like this then I'm afraid you won't be able to rule Tarana." He was being a lunatic if he thought threatening me about not being the future king would affect me infect l am far from being interested nxa.

" Fine then. I am not interested in your damn throne your so cold older daughter can take it.Can you let me be now .l have a lot of things to do." I said standing up about to leave .

" Uzy sit back down now l am not done talking to you. " The oldman was fuming so I didn't have to ague with him .l just sat down waiting for him to blut some nonsense so that I put sense inside his so cold thick ramapithecal scul nxa.

" Uzy ,l won't tolerate your childishness you understand ." He looks me square in the eye .Nxa as if that will intimidate .As much as he try to scare me I know that deep down his ramapithecal heart he loves me hahahaha.

" Uzy what's funny your papa is talking to you about serious issues." Mum said from beside father ' s throne .Now that's better .if mother is here then she will just take my side .

" Uh oh sorry l didn't mean it to be that loud. Bit seriously dad I got serious business to deal with just spill the beans will yah." I took a bubblegum from my pocket and started chewing while propping one leg over the other and looked at my father who was shaking his head .

" You will attend the meeting Uzyimatsana I'm done with your bullshit." He stands and leave the room followed by my mom who just pats my head with a smile .

"Deni take it easy with the boy he is still a kid." I heard my mom from the corridor.

" Kid my ass .That kid is fucking 24 he should learn to manup. If he continues like...." Then his voice fades as they ascend the stairs   .

Fuck the old hags nxa
If they think they can control my life just like that then they are wrong.
At least mother understand so yah.Ah life should be full if life not this crazy heir thing .

6 hours later .

I eye the board of elders with a distasteful look while chewing a bubblegum and I am currently sitting at the right side of my father throne . Whatever these elders have decided is just humanshit . I just wish I was born a girl just like my sister Uzyimustafa.

I just see the lips of some talking ramapithecal while some are just nodding.These fucking ramapithecas hah.

" Uzy you hear." One of the elders  say .
" Of course I heard you speaking it's just that your words were like water and had no shape." I replied with a smile full of disgust . They forced me to attend this meeting so l will attend but l won't give them my ears.Nxa fuck theing ramapithecas.
The rest of the elders starts laughing while the elder who just spoke looked at me with an angry expression .

" Uzy behave ." My father scolds. Hah oldmen you are the one who dragged me to this meeting so wait till I embarrass you more .l am not done with you.

" So your majesty can we have your ears."  The elders say again while looking at me

"Sure ." I smiled again folding one leg under the other ." Please continue ." I wave both hands in the air as a sign telling them that l don't care whatever they were going to say.

" Your majesty since you are now old enough to take over the throne ,we suggest you get married to the princess of caprico ."

" Wow ,you know that's why l like you elders Tonde you always get to the point . You should be my role model .So just like you l will also get to the point . No l am not old enough to marry l am still a kid you know and for the throne l will just takeover when my father dies and that is about 50 years to come . So no worries dude if he dies early before I am all grown up my sister will just takeover ."

"Your majesty the king l do think you have spoiled your son enough . It's time you make him a man."

" Elders of Tarana l am sorry to be this dumb but what's the definition of a man because all I know is that in this kingdom the one we call men are the ones who wear trousers ain't l right ." I said again with a fake smile and the elders laugh.

" Uzy you are excused "  My father says sternly. Well thanks there shellock but it would have been so much fun if l were to play more with these ramapithecas.

" Thanks your majesty  and please don't discuss about me when l am gone although l know you will  since this is the purpose for the meeting. I will just say on my behalf that please drop this marriage thing discussion because in my books I don't do the shit. Wait .What happened to falling in love before marriage ? "  
" You may leave if you done with your so cold speech your majesty ."
" The honor is mine.Bye cutie." I wave at the only woman in the board of elders . She don't reply but she blush. Nxa fucking ol ramapithecas fuckin blush  hah.

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