chapter 1👸

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She the princess that everyone adores ,noone can say bad things about her . As perfect as she is princess Cammel has hidden scars ,hidden tears that only she knows of  . Kings and Queens tried their best to ship her with their sons but to their dismay she    rejects all their offers .Only if they knew who she really was.

Cammel pov

"Cammel sooner or let you will have to show the world who you really are you can't hide forever."  Angelina my best friend since childhood has tried to put some sense in my thick scul since l turned 18 but to no avail.

" You know what Angie? If you think your that your so blant lectures are gonna change my mind then go srew your self okay.Damn save the lectures for your children ." I was losing it.l am tired of people telling me what to do.

Is it my fault l was born like this .l never asked for a monster 's body when l was born .l can't say it for others who were born like me but for me l thought it was a curse.

"Look Cammie ,l just trying to be a good friend who benefits you okay.No offense but you are acting stupid right now." Angie rolled her eyes why turning the pages of the Bible she has been reading since morning .

"Well that offense is well taken." I scoffed started walking away to the door .I had planned to spend the day in my room but with this preacher in here l doubt l will ever have peace.
"If you are to walk out that door then you will have to check yourself in the mirror first ." She said emmotionlessly still reading her Bible .

"What's wrong with me." I eyed her . If she gonna go on with her bubbling then...hah never l don't want to talk about it ...yet.

"What l mean is your ear isn't in it's right position  your highness." She stood walking towards me and started to fix my face.

"As if you care." I scoffed while rolling my eyes .

"Your highness you should know that you have a friend who cares about your well-being  . I won't force you to do things that you don't want to do.I am sorry if I angered you."  She sounded angry but was trying to contain it.

I hugged her while tears ran down my chubby cheeks.

" I didn't mean to react that way.l am sorry Angie .You are the best friend l ever had ." She pulled away and smiled while wiping my tears with her thumb .

" I know .shush it's not your fault ok. You will ruin your makeup ."

"Wait. You are not angry at me." She laughed and said ," You are too cute to stay angry at Cammie . If only you didn't hide that beauty and show the world .
Don't be sad ok baby ."

" I'm not sad.Princessess don't get sad you know.They were tears of smartness.My eyes were dirty." I lied through my teeth .

"Did you forget who you talking to. Your tears were yellow dear.Lie to somebody else . Look Cammel ,it's ok to cry in front of me.Its not normal to hold it in and keep the burden to yourself .   But if insist l can fix it by ..." She smiled showing off her perfect white teeth .

"OMG would you prepare it for me."  I screamed like a child while Angie shook her head and continued to pull me to the door into the passage .

"Wait .Angie stop.You can't pull me like that inside the palace." I said while halting to a stop and checking my surroundings to make sure that noone saw the imperfect princess .

" Oh  . Sorry ,almost forgot the perfect princess starts now." She laughed an easy laugh but l don't know why it is difficult for me to that.

She went to stand at my left and l gave her my hand. With the free hands holding the princess scaff tied to our waist.A custom that l had to adapt to since the age of sixteen.As for Angie it was the same. She wore the royal regalia and was expected to behave like a princess . The only thing that showed that she wasn't a princess was the fact that she wore no crown .

"Ready." She said and l nodded. Walking with a royal poscher, chin up ,chest out ,slow pace a gloved hand on the royal scaff while the other was held firmly in Angie 's.

"This royal shit sucks." Angie complained.

" Launguage my lady." I warned her as we descended the stairs .

" But seriously your highness ,why do l have to do this last time l checked this isn't recorded in the book of Life ."  She said again as if l was the one who inserted the law . I watched as the maids ran around lining up at the bottom of the stairs .

"Like seriously now ," Angie laughed, " is this even needed.

"Angie ,behave " l warned again trying my best not to lose myself .

All the maids bowed as  we passed  and six of them followed behind as we headed to the kitchen  . I heard Angie scoff beside me.
"Can't we have some privacy ." She finally said as she gathered her ingredients .

"Not today my lady the king commanded that the princess be kept safe since the prince of Tarana is arriving later this evening and will be meeting the princess tomorrow." The headmaids said entering the kitchen with a slight bow.

" You mean?" Angie posed to whatever she was doing and faced her.

" My lady l am sorry but you are not allowed to do anything today .Meaning you should stop whatever you are doing and go back to you quarters." She bowed again . I could feel Angie 's anger rising while she gave the headmaids a deathglare.

"Seriously this is fucking bullshit . She threw down the chocolate milk she was holding in frustration .

"Now that's unladylike Lady Angelina. The headmaids said without missing the glares Angie was giving her. Ok now that's not my business   .So I did the best thing l could to remove the tension in the room.

" So how old is the prince Mrs Smith? " I asked to get her attention .

" The king didn't mention your highness ." She gave a full bow and left her way of avoiding my burning questions. Usually l would send her to tell the king that l am not interested in meeting the prince . I guess today l would have to tell him myself .

"You know you can go home if you want .l doubt if l will have the time to play with you." I told Angie as we climbed the stairs to my room leaving the maids behind us at the bottom of the stairs 

" Why." She stopped and eyed me suspeciously . It's the first time l will be talking to my father this year .I don't talk to him unless there is something important to discuss. Usually it will be in the presence of the elders .The last time l talked to him privately was 4 years ago when l fell sick.At least he showed that he cared because he stayed with me the whole night holding my hand . Only if could fall sick frequently so that l will be able to hold my favhe's hand.

My mother died during labour while giving birth to me so l never knew her.Father said he burnt all the pictures due to heartbreak but he always told l look a lot like her.

"I am going to discuss some issues with the king.Concerning the prince of course ." I told her.

" Oh." She nodded and started walking .l knew she wanted to say something but she remained quite. I know whatever that was gonna come out of her mouth would be the truth and we all know that the truth hurts .Always if it is for me.

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