The Weird Ass Man

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wooyoung pov
I was walking nearby my school, since I came too early, I had to wait till it opened. It was only 6:00 am right now, so I had to wait almost 3 hours.

I sat on a nearby bench, and took out my maths book to review for the test today. It was really hard to memorize all of the equations since they were REALLY confusing.

It was now 7:30am and my head was spinning. I had nothing else to do and was bored. I took out my phone and began playing Roblox. I kept getting bullied on there. WHY ARE ALL THE HUMANZZ BULLYING ME ON THEREZZZ. Lol. But then, i suddenly felt a hand on my shoulder. I looked up to see who it is, but he was wearing a mask and a cap, and I couldn't see a tiny piece of his face.

"why are you so early?"

the man asked me. His voice sent shivers down my spine, unable to answer as his voice echoed in my head. his voice.. his sweet voice.. it made me feel something about him.. but i didn't know what this strange feeling was.


i snapped back to reality as his question remained unanswered.

"Are you ignoring me???'"

His voice sounded more aggressive now as my shoulder began burning with pain. I looked down on the floor, trying to ignore him, but he used his other hand, put it under my chin and lifted my face to look up at him. His face got closer to mine as I felt his warm breath hitting my skin. My heart started racing, unsure why, because of this feeling, or am i just terrified on what he's going to do next. Unfortunately, he let go of me, pushing me down on the ground. As soon as I looked up again, he disappeared.

Where is he???

I looked around, to find that he was nowhere. I decided to look onto my phone to check the time. 9:30am...

oh shit

I'm late

I grabbed my backpack that was filled with books and ran inside the building.

How come I had not seen anyone pass by me, or anyone at all. It was so empty!

I entered the classroom, to see no one but the man I had seen a moment ago sitting on the teachers chair.

"Step forward, kid"

I did as he asked me to, The door instantly shutting behind me.

"Why did you come today?"

he asked. I tried to force something out of me, but I couldn't at the fear I felt. The man stood up and walked towards me as I began backing away until my back had hit the door. I closed my eyes, hoping he wouldn't do anything to me.

"Why did you come today"

I felt like screaming right now, what does he mean why?! for school, duh.

I screamed, looking into his eyes as I finally got to see a part of his face under the dark cap. His eyes were a very dark shade of red, like the color of blood. He put one of his hands right next to my head, and got close to my ear.

"what a brave little boy"

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